Rabu, 16 Julai 2014

Thank you Nuffnang


It has been a long time since I last update about my nuffnang. I have one on-going campaign currently. June was a festive Nuffnang campaign moment in this blog though...

Anyhow, for many years of blogging, I have never cash out my earnings. As usual, the earning is not sufficient for me to cash it out. How sad.

But then, I will still stick to nuffnang. Simple because it is easy and never burden my blogging life so far....

Maybe next year I can cash out the amount for next year's duit raya...


16 ulasan:

  1. saya pun tak pernah cash out..sebab rasa rasanya tak layak nak cash out kot..hahaha..dah lama tak check

  2. nuffnang ni memang slow sikit.. Tapi lebih baik daripada takde langsung kan kak :)

  3. pernah cash out sekali.. la ni nak tunggu banyak2 nombor baru cash out, hehehe

  4. Che Mid takde nuffnang, cuma tengok kawan2 punya cerita je la..

    amboi, banyak projek anak angkat banyak le mak ayahnya ya..kena pi ziarah tu Aziela, makin tua dah nampaknya..

    oh ya, satu lagi save the date 1/11 ya..Farhan's wedding otw ya..

  5. saya baru ada sikit.. Alhamdulillah dari takde langsung..

  6. Kak Azie pun ntah bila la boleh cash out. Sikit benor. hehehe

  7. saya punye naffnung earnings; RM35 after 3-4 tahun. terbaik aahhh!!! hahaha!!

  8. sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit.. lagi pun kita biar je kat situ.. tapi saya selalu teruja nak tengok duit bertambah banyak2.. haha..

  9. alhamdulillah..tahniah kak...leh wat tambah2 duit raye ni hehheeheh

  10. Hello Aziela, I never knew boleh dapat duit from that site? Good for you. Keep it up for next year...boleh beli tu orange colour like that Lingerie world cplour, ha ha ha, ahemmm, if in the mood.

    Time flies so fast, another couple of weeks da hari raya. So, you busy shopping? Beli designer shoes, handbgs, bitik sarongs?
    I miss hari raya, visit my Malay friends...
    The rendangs and ketupats especially.

    Hey, apa tu perumpuan besing tengah jalan, nak pukul orang senior citizen who by accident ketok her car? Ha ha ha...Police chief going after her too. Da rosak hari raya, kena fine. Habis cherita!
    You have a great week, simpan satu lagu dalam hati.

