Selasa, 5 Ogos 2014

Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2014


This is us....

I do not feel like celebrating anything this year. Even Mommy did not prepare dishes as she used to do since 40 years ago. She cooked only for us to eat as our daily routine. We miss Ba so much....

Rain poured heavily that morning. Hubby went to the mosque with the boys in that rain. They reached home at about 9.00 am and we went to visit Ba. We had our meal after that, took some pictures and guests started to come. It was a non-stop activity. We entertained guests until 4.30pm. When my brother in law arrived at last with his family, we departed to my hometown in PD. We were supposed to reach PD within 1 hour time, but I couldn't made it. I was too tired, hubby was too tired too. Hubby let me drive. But I managed to drove half-way when I finally surrendered and stop the car by the road side to take a nap.

We reached PD just before 7.00pm. I hugged and kissed my some rendang with kuah kacang and sambal goreng Jawa. Mak cooked the most delicious sambal goreng with ayah as the Quality Assurance director...hahahahha.

We proceed to visit uncles and aunties houses and settled down around midnight.

Sorry, no food pictures this year.


4 ulasan:

  1. selamat hari raya kak, maaf zahir batin...

  2. Selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin :D

  3. Salam aidilfitri. Hee maaf zahir batin.

  4. selamat hari raya kak, maaf zahir batin
    1st year tanpa Ba mmg terasa, ingatlah dia dlm setiap solatmu
