Khamis, 18 September 2014

When Hubby Was In Taiwan


It is not a good day to speak about food, yea... But I can't hold these pictures any longer in my folder. I have to share it out....

It was hubby's last trip while he was serving the previous company in Kuantan. His good bye trip. He went there to introduce his successor to the acquaintance there.

While he was there, they went to a seafood restaurant by the sea in Taipei. It's basically seafood, so hubby felt at ease a little bit. Hubby lovesss sea creatures. Fish, squids and especially prawns are his interest.

With one of his colleague

The scenery

Crabs and crabs and crabs.... 


Oh hoooo....the lobster!

The seashells....

They requested the prawns to be simply boiled..



The sashimi. Salmon, tuna, etc. Look at the garnish. Sooo pretty. We wouldn't find it in Umbai, Malacca, right?

Red snapper. Steamed with simple soy sauce. 

The front view of the shop. 

The crab soup. Hubby said it was yummy...

Alive sea creatures in the aquarium

Crabs and lobsters and big prawns.....

This is the star of the day. The oouniek in Japanese. Or, the sea urchins in English. Malay calls it 'landak laut'. 

They will cut the sea urchins to eat the roe. It is an exotic delicacies. Eaten raw usually.

Look at the size of the roe. It is definitely yummy. The sea urchins' roe is very expensive in Malaysia. We could however easily find it in Sabah, but with a smaller size than in the picture. 

I have one experience eating the sea urchins' roe. Maybe I would share it later in another entry.

Stay tuned, all...


26 ulasan:

  1. menjejes dah ailio ni.. tak bleh nampak seafood.... huhuhu..

  2. kat Umbai takda lobster kan kak? ekekekeke

  3. Landak laut!
    Do you think we can find this in M'sia. Kakak never come-across..

  4. Tengok pada menu.. sedap2 belaka.. makan dengan nasi panas.. eemm.. dapnya..

  5. Syok nyer bekerja sambil melawat negara org

  6. fuh kakkkkk..teliur tauuuu...dah le lieya puase arinie...mmg dugaan yg hebat tauuu hahaahah...dlm2 food yg akak tunjuk lieya bekenan ngan sashimi jek kak...lieya ni hantu sahshimi salmon..... kalo pi sushi king tula lieya order tgk pelik sbb suke mkn salmon mentah ..tapi lieya leh makan sekor kot hahaahahhaahah

    tu seronok gi tempat org kan kak...merase kite menu2 masakan dieorg...

  7. Hi Aziela, I have always loved seafood, and looking thru all the pics here, I can see hubby lives to eat, not eat to live.

    That crab soup looks absolutely delicious. Can practically get it's peppery scent. And the red snapper in soy sauce...the clams, habis cherita! After makan susa nak jalan, tali pinggang longgar dua lobang, ha ha ha.

    Believe it or not, I used to keep sambal belachan in a very small bottle when I travel to Japan, as sushi not on my food list, so add the sambal, boleh jalan, ha ha.
    Have a fun weekend, simpan satu lagu dalam hati.

  8. Waaa... Uni tu saya takut nak makan sebelum ni sbb kalau tak fresh rasanya agak disaster.. Aritu dpt rasa, manis dan sangat sedapppp

  9. Boleh tahan fresh seafood dia. Seafood ni kalau fresh, memang terbaik rasanya.

  10. meriah dgn makanan....camne ek agaknya rasa landak laut tu...bentuk mcm rambutan

  11. tu dia
    segala mak nenek seafood ada kak
    menggiurkan betul kak

  12. @Daddy Ziyyad Dik...kalau nak tu ada, tapi kena import la..hahahaha.

  13. @Kakzakie Oh yes, kakak. If you go to Sabah, it could be found easily there...

  14. @aizamia3 Makan dengan nasi lemak pun sedap, Ai...hehehe

  15. @idzwa kamaruddin akak selaluuuu jeles dengan dia tau.. Nak ikoootttt...uwaaaa!

  16. @lieyalatif dik, seriyes la kita boleh geng bab selera makan. Bab kuantiti makan, dah tentu akak champion lagi...hahahaha.

  17. @Shane Hahahaha....he loves to explore the food. Hey, seriously? Sambal belacan to Japan? And no dogs barking at you at the airport?

  18. @Rai Ourkizuna Sedap kan Raiiii. Akak teringin giler nak pegi Hokkaido, makan uni. Mesti sedapnya....

  19. @NzA Kak, kadang2 sushi king ada stok. Cuba tanya next time pergi...

  20. @elly nadyra Ha...macam memanggil2 jer kan. Elly, lagi merah dari Senibong kan...hehehehe
