Khamis, 18 Disember 2014

Mee Kicap Ipoh For Breakfast


Done in Penang, we straight away drove to Ipoh that evening. Arrived quite late in Ipoh and we settled down early in the homestay chose by my SIL. We went there for her convocation ceremony. She received a diploma for her nursing study. Currently she is happy being a staffnurse at HKL.

Anyway, the next morning we have to went out early for my SIL needs to attend the rehearsal at the college. Need to send her there and we will proceed with our own activity. I didn't prepare for Ipoh. I was extremely busy before that in the new office in Bangsar. Plus the stress, I really couldn't afford to plan for a good journey. When hubby asked what to have for breakfast, I googled. Yeap...impromptu action. Let it long as I could present something different.

So I came across about this mee kicap. I remember I've seen a tv programme about this mee kicap. We don't have this in Malacca, so let's try.

Mee kicap is directly translated as the soy sauce noodle in English. It is a simple dish so as my expectation hearing just from the name. What is so special about this dish when you simply throw a bunch of yellow noodle on the plate and sprinkle some kicap (soy sauce) on it? So off we went. Oh, we went to the popular Mee Daud Mat Jasak stall. You can google the picture and you can simply key in the direction in your Waze application.

2 of us ordered the mee kari and the rest all requested the mee kicap. I had the mee kari since hubby and Adam has already requested for mee kicap. With this, we can taste each menu for verdict.
 I had Adam's mee kicap in which he had to order another plate because I ate half from his portion, hahahaha. The plain yellow noodle was drenched in a boiled water for a few seconds and they mix the noodle with taugeh (beansprouts). Next, they pour the kicap onto the noodle.

Now, this is what that needed the highlight. The kicap is not simply the kicap from the bottle. Though the color is none other the kicap color, but the taste is totally different. You can taste the mixture of other ingredients in which I can't really detect what. Ok, they definitely blend together the kicap with kitchen stock and onions and garlic. They might have a bit of ginger and probably a few other.

So it beyond expectation. The smooth and thick kicap gravy envelopes each layer of the noodle. It's not bitter at all, not really a salty, just a hit of salty taste and it feels as if you are eating a rich meaty food though you are having a blank mee kicap. Oh yes, the mee kicap accompanied by a bowl of soup. Sort of yong tau fu soup. You han have the normal standard of soup as what you seen in the picture above, or you can go and select your own kueh to have a full bowl of soup to your liking. Mix the soup into the mee kicap and wallah...another new dimension of attractive mee kicap in front of you.

The mee kari is not up to my liking. The gravy is too watery. The bowl was consists of the noodle, taugeh and the gravy with a few pieces of fish cake only.

Luckily they serve this sambal or cooked chili paste in the bottle. It gives a low amount of hot taste, not enough for my tastebud. I need to scoop a few to satisfy and balance my bowl of mee kari.

Adam was happy eating the mee kicap. Me and Mommy had our tasteless mee kari. Both of us agreed that mee kari in this stall is far below expectations.

Anyhow, the mee kicap is the star, anyway. I might come back to Ipoh just to enjoy another round of mee kicap...


9 ulasan:

  1. mee kicap..nmpk mcm biasa je
    tp mesti ada rasa yg luar biasakan..
    x sempat lg jjcm Ipoh..
    Insya Allah nti smpi juga

  2. lieya penah makan kat sini laa kebetulan dah sampai ipoh kan..gugle2 jjsm ipoh ramai soh pi makan least kite dah try kan kak hehehehe...unik la mee kicap tu...budak2 suke laa sebab kicap...lieay mmg kene boh cili byk2...baru kick pedas....

  3. Menarik.. mungkin bila berkesempatan ke sana saya akan mencubanya.. ;)

  4. Those days during kakak childhood times mee kicap is our regular break-fasting Ziela. Sad memory as we are very poor during that times. This one dish to us so delicious and really can fill our 8 siblings stomach:)

  5. mee kicap ohhh mee kicap
    simple aje nampak
    tapi sedap
    tapi mee kari tu
    nampak betul kuah dia cair

  6. Baca entry akk yang nie kena bawa kamus dok sebelah...hahahah

  7. Sama. Pegi mana mana.. nak makan apa? Google! Dan serius saya adalah peminat kicap2 ni hehhe. Jadi dah terliur pulak baca cerita akak pasal mee kicap tuh. Nyumnyum!!

  8. sebab per tak pedas... sebabnyer makananni semua inspirasi dari masakan cina yang tak pedas... dulu mat jasakni lagi sedap dari sekarang... yalah dah dua generasi dulu bapaknya ni anaknya pulak...
