Jumaat, 19 Disember 2014

Labu Sayong : Kuala Kangsar's Attractions


Selepas makan mee kicap, kita ke pajabat biro di Ipoh sekejap. Bertemu dengan petugas di situ, sekadar bertanya khabar dan update beberapa issue dari pihak pengurusan. Lagipun kedai mee kicap tu dekat dengan pejabat cawangan kami. Selesai di pejabat, kami terus hantar SIL ke lokasi graduasi beliau. Ikut waze jer la. Sebelah hospital Tanjung Rambutan jer.

Dalam pada tu, kita punya otak dah berpusing2 mencari idea nak pergi mana. Tanya hubby dengan Mommy...semuanya angkat bahu. Tak tahu...suka hati...ikut jer lah. Adoii...poning mak. Dah la tak prepare. Dulu masa kita outstation ke Ipoh, kita dengan colleague suka beli bahan seramik. Tapi dah tak ingat kat mana. Sudahnya...mari ke Kuala Kangsar.

Kuala Kangsar is a very special place. It has its own personal attractions. It is popularly known for it's labu sayong industry. A clay vase used to keep water for drinks at home. It has been said that drinks kept in the vase turn out to be delicious with a lower temperature than the normal room temperature drinks. So, why not have it one at home? After all, we are Malaysian. I googled the location then.

The range of labu sayong

We found a blog recommended this center. I called the owner and he came right away to pick us from the road side and lead the way. On the way to his shop, we saw many other shops selling the ceramics products and clay products. We lost count on them. It excites us, anyhow. Once we arrived, I was so excited because this is definitely a large shop. Numerous products and all are sooo beautiful. The amazing thing is, the prices are all affordable. Oh my.... You can even find small beautiful clay products from as low as RM3.00!! And of course, there's the hero...the labu sayong. We bought 3 of them.

Me and Mommy. We were so excited.

These are lamps actually. For house furnishings. Hubby bought one...

Multifunction case. You can put stationery or spoon, or even for ashtray...hihihi

They have activity to make your own clay too... None of the boys were willing to be the participant, but they were attracted enough to stand by the maker and watched the process all the way to the finishings. All visitors are welcome to participate.

Please call the number printed on the banner. They will answer your call. Trust me.


6 ulasan:

  1. Rumah mak saya dulu ada labu sayung...mmg betul la, air kalau disimpan dalam tu, sejuk aja...

  2. Acik pun ada dulu labu sayung ni buat simpan air..jiran depan rumah orang lenggong yang belikan

  3. banyak design baru labu sayung tukan Azie. KY suka yg design ori.baru menepati nama labu sayung tu sendiri..

  4. letak air dalam labu sayung memang sejuk ke? betul ke?

