Rabu, 30 Disember 2015

Lunch Mengancam di Btg Benar


Sejak hubby kerja di Nilai ni, dia dah pandai explore makanan pedas. Batang Benar ni dekat jer dengan Nilai. So, selalulah hubby makan disini dngan kawan2nya.

Batang Benar ni memang terkenal di kalangan orang sekitarnya dengan masakan Nogori yang pekat dan pedas mengancam tu. Ramai juga blogger yang dah share, tapi saya nak share juga pengalaman saya.

Antara yang 'win' ialah ikan jenahak masak lemak cili padi campur dengan peria. Ambil pula kepala jenahak...mak aiii...berpeluh2 menyedutnya. Kuahnya memang cukup pekat, cukup lemak dan cukup pedas. Kalau ada yang tak makan pedas, tolong jangan siksa diri yer. Tapi kami sekeluarga memang cukup suka. Tapau bawa balik untuk mak dan Mommy juga.

Ini pula, pucuk  paku goreng. Bolehla...rasa macam sayur goreng biasa tu. Jauh tertinggal dibandingkan dengan kerabu pucuk paku Aunty Aini tu...

Ini....pecal. Yang ini, saya suka sangat. Saya sorang jer yang meratah. Hubby dan Adam cuit sikit2 jer.

Tengoklah anak beranak ni...posing dengan lauk pauk. Tunggu nasi dengan air jer ni..
Kat situ, ada ayam opp anggang juga. Ada juga daging kambing panggang. Hubby suka yang panggang2 ni. Saya pula lebih berkenan dengan kuah2 kuning tu.

Sedap memang sedap...tapi tak boleh selalu. Tak baik untuk paras kolesterol. Bahaya untuk kesihatan usus.

Tapi sedap, okeh...!


Jumaat, 11 Disember 2015

Engineer Cafe, Nilai and The One Unsung Hero


Oh, its Friday...yieehaaa.. Weekend is here!

Well, I don't have much time lately to blog though I miss blogging world so much. What I do have in draft folder now is mostly about food. I hope you guys would enjoy my postings about food.

Engineers Cafe located in Bandar Baru Nilai. Its at the same row with Secret Recipe. Hubby was here with his colleagues and they find it more than acceptable. So sometimes they even had meeting over the dinner here.

Menu is simple. No wide variety, but for me it's satisfying. Simple food but appear fantastic, excellent drinks and relaxing ambiance.

Hubby's drink. Mojita something..something. I can't remember.

Adam's choice, carbonara spaghetti. Big portion for big boy. He enjoyed it soo much.

My choice and hubby's. Spaghetti Lemak Cili Padi. The souce...oh my...oh my... Extra delicious, extra hot, sooo creamy and so satisfying. They mixed it with chunks of tender and juicy sirloin meats. This...is fit for the original taste buds of Nogori people.

I enjoyed the cold plain water in this big bottle. Best suit with the lemak pedas spaghetti. And...I stayed there for quite a long period, while enjoying reading my novel.

Oh guysss....girlsss....you all MUST read this novel. It is packed with information. What's the good ethics in raising your child, what could go wrong  with a couple communication, what does our country's tough commando personnel of VAT69 team gone through...they are all in this book. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Find The One, by Melur Jelita.

Oh, back to the cafe. You don't have to be an engineer to be here. I know caused I was there, enjoyed it and I am not an engineer....


Rabu, 9 Disember 2015

Jumaat, 4 Disember 2015

Aunty Aini's Garden Cafe


We had our dinner here in Aunty Aini's Garden Cafe a few months ago. I have watched the world chefs such as Anthony Bourdain, Gordon Ramsay and Martin Yan came to this restaurant through tv. The world kmown chefs learnt to cook in the Aunty Aini's kitchen.

So, what's so special about Aunty Aini? She is a good cook. She maintains the traditional recipe of the Malaysian Minang dishes in which we called it Negeri Sembilan's dishes. She inherits the recipe and the passion from her mother.

Let's have a look for certain dishes that we explored.

The Masak Lemak Cili Padi Telur Itik. Duck's Egg in spicy coconut milk. The broth is ok for me, but I don't like the texture of the eggs here. It was too hard. The egg was supposed to be smooth, soft..and wobbly. Maybe some other time they serve better than this.

This is the Fish Head of Jenahak, cooked in spicy coconut broth with fermented durian. In Malay it is Ikan Jenahak Masak Lemak Tempoyak.

 Oh, we love this dish soo much. The broth was perfect, the perfect original authentic spiciness and thickness, with an inviting fragrance of the tempoyak and also the perfect freshness of the fish. My parents love this dish sooo much.

 We had the famous sambal tumis sotong with petai. A winner for me, but not to my mother.

For the little boy Danish, we had ayam kampung goreng and plain omelette.

The happy little one.

The most sought after. Kerabu pucuk paku. The soft fresh of the vegetable, mixed with herbs and kerisik. The perfect balance of crunchiness, the herbs, the hint of not overpowering chilly and the grated coconut. 

We finished off with the sinfully deli ious Tapai Pulut Aiskrim. It is the sweet fermented glutinous rice, topped with icecream.


Pricey.....but worth it.

Khamis, 3 Disember 2015

HFM Akibat Meng'Udang'


Hubby dah kembali kemaruk mengudang sebulan dua ni. Ada pergi kolam...tapi dia and the geng lebih suka naik bot. Kadang2 konvoi 3 bot..kadang2 sebuah saja. Lokasinya ialah Sg Timun di Lubok China. Sungai yg terkenal dgn buayanya.
Kadang2 beratur buaya kalau terrsampai ke sarangnya. Kadang2 buaya tu yang berenang santai sebelah bot mereka. Ada yang besar..tp banyak yg kecil.

Entah kenapa, balik dr mengudang dgn menge'bot' Ahad lepas, dia nampak sgt letih. Petangnya tiba2 demam panas. Esoknya Isnin..dia pergi kerja walau tekak sakit, badan sakit. Selasa, tangan dah tak boleh genggam sbb bengkak bengkik. Rabu semlm, MC lah sbb tapak kaki pun sama. Nak berpijak pun tak boleh. Sakit yg amat.

Mula2 dia ingat chicken pox. Tapi kat bahagian lain tak ada. Memang hanya di tapak tangan, tapak kaki, dlm mulut, tekak dan dalam hidung saja. Saya yg penoreh getah ni dah suspect HFM disease...dpt dr pak buaya kot..hehehe.

Dan ya...sekarang pada jam hampir pukul 2 pagi, saya masih di emergency dept hospital. Admision...bilik isolation. Nnt takut berjangkit. Aduhai...dugaan sungguh.

Doakan saya bertahan untuk menyempurnakan tanggungjawab saya menjaga suami saya...


Rabu, 2 Disember 2015