Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

Japanese Food...Again!


It's Wednesday, so the words are going to be minimum today. Enjoy the pictures...!

Salmon sashimi at Lexis Hibiscus

Smoke Salmon from Hibiscus as well...

Udon from Hibiscus

baked cheese oyster of Hibiscus too

Bento set of Grand Lexis

Grilled Salmon of Grand Lexis

Sashimi set of Grand Lexis

Following pictures are from Allson Klana, Seremban

So and so...nothing could really WoW us...

12 ulasan:

  1. Nampak sedap, tapi kakcik belum pernah cuba makan makanan Jepun... :)

  2. Jauh beza.. sesuailah dengan nama dan harga.. ;)

  3. Hello Aziela, love the pics here. Can see you and family suka trying out
    varieties. Good for you.
    But regret Sushi not in my food list for some reason or other.
    Used to travel to Japan on business, apa nak but kan, when in Rome...so I brought a small bottle of sambal belachan with me, ha ha, bila makan, will add.

    But I more went for their Ramen noodles instead, as well KFC or fish & chips. I am a Canadian, but not keen on Salmon, though my isteri loves it.
    I will take the odd bite or two but will not go overboard on it.
    But Thai or Vietnamese foods, itu la dia! Love them. Very spicy I suka.
    Nice pics, Aziela.
    Its snowing as I type this.
    You have a nice day.

  4. tak pernah cuba lagi makanan jepun.
    tp makanan jepun selalu present cantik2 walaupun makanan dia ringkas2 je.

  5. Masa p Jepun hari tu tak berani makan apa2, takut sakit perut. kalau dah ada food jepun kat Mlaaysia, senang la nak try

  6. tekak akak cuma boleh terima masakan jepun yg digoreng atau dipanggang.. sushi atau mkkn sejuk mmg tak jalan laa.. hihi

  7. Assalamualaikum sis Aziela.
    Pekabat sis? Saya alhamdulillah Sihat Sihat aje...
    Wah... Japanese food ...menarik ni..
    Thanks sudi singgah sis..

  8. Kalau anak kakak ni suka bukan main ni..

  9. terus terang la. aida ni x pernah makan makanan jepun.
    lom lagi terasa nak cuba.

