Jumaat, 12 Ogos 2016

Grand Lexis Genn Restaurant, Port Dickson


We live in Port Dickson now, staying with my parents since my place of work and hubby's are not far away from PD. Thus, we explore PD's food outlet even deeper now. Not many good choices I can say for PD. PD has a few fast food outlets and some good street food too. But only a few... And to find a fine dining, we need to rely on hotelsss. Well, we are at a tourist attraction area, anyway.

So, there was once, hubby would like to try out a Japanese restaurant in PD. We used to go to a restaurant in town, but they closed down the business. So, need to find alternatives. Besides the usual Sushi King in AEON Seremban, the choices of Japanese food are quite limited. And Sushi King is not hubby's approved outlet nowadays because of the decreasing level of customer service quality there.

So, we found this Genn Japanase Restaurant located at the 3rd floor of Grand Lexis Hotel in Port Dickson. Please don't go to the wrong hotel. It is Grand Lexis, not the Lexis hotel which is situated side by side. Go to the Grand Lexis.

Shake Sashimi and Shake Toro Sashimi

The main dish that captured our taste bud, captured our eyes and our heart is this salmon sashimi. We loved the freshness, the high quality of that raw salmon. Oh, it's just melt in your mouth. I am still drooling while writing this. Look at the presentation. Oh my, it is so professional. And the chef would always make sure that they served the best for the customer. Me and hubby however lovessss the Salmon Belly Sashimi. It's meaty, but finer than the salmon flesh itself. It's silky and you do not need a lot of effort to chew because it just make an elegant entrance in your mouth. I would slowly put it in my mouth, take the slowest time possible to taste deeply every bit of texture of each pieces and savour every bit of it. We never have enough with it.

This is Ebi Teppan. Prawn in teppanyaki style.

I have never tasted an ebi teppan as delicious as this one. The prawn are cooked nicely. Not too cooked and dry and neither under cook. It's meaty, juicy and simply yummy. Chef marinated it with special spices, and smothered it with cheese. Oh yes baby....you read it fine. Cheese...!
The prawns will be laid down on a bed of shredded vegetables such as daikon and cabbage which also has been seasoned nicely, together with shapely sliced cucumber. And chef complimented the dish with crackers and fried crunchy and sweet bitter sliced garlic. They have a special technic to come up with that delicious and scrumptious garlic and I tell you, it's not as easy as slice it and fried it in your wok. It is much more complicated than that.

This is the beef roll teppan

This is also a teppanyaki dish. I've tried a few version of beef rolls, but this one is different. Chef arranged the vegetables nicely, and rolled it in a very thin layer of beef which has been seasoned sufficiently with I don't know what do they put it in. But it was sooo delicious. You know, you can have this dish, and a bowl of rice and you do not need anything more...except that you would never reject another good plate of salmon sashimi..of course.

The texture...owh...it's beef. So it's chewy because it is not wagyu beef...hahaha.
Ok..not funny.
But yes, it's chewy, but chewable in a nice way. It was moist. The juices of the meat got mixed up with the juices of the rolled vegetables which has been seasoned and kind of steamed in the beef! It's a total explosion and serenity at the same time. You really need to try it out if you kind of confuse of what I am trying to say here.

Look at that fluffy, fresh and silky salmon belly...topped with salmon roe. Oh yuuummm...!

Dip it in the soy sauce...and ngapp!

The salmon sashimi. Vibrant color, means its fresh.

The ultimate chef..Chef Ahmad Hossaini with my son.

Chef Hossaini is excellent in his cooking skills, leadership on how he managed this small but cozy and fine restaurant. He communicates with his customers. He approached us and asked about the food, the service, etc. And Adam loves him...simply because he serves the best Japanese dishes.

We have a few more experiences and kind of being their regular at this moment. It's a little bit pricey, but the return of investment is worth every penny...


6 ulasan:

  1. Slivers all comes out see all the dishes Ziela.
    As for all my daughters loves these types of foods.

  2. aduhai kak.
    aida dulu x makan tau food jepun gini.
    but few weeks ago, opismet buat homemade sushi.
    Allahu Akbar kak oii, sedap!
    terus tersuka. nanti nak try beli kat jusco :)

  3. Salam kenal Aziela....
    Lama tak ke PD.Teringin pulak ke sana.

    Selalu beli Sushi kat Aeon jer, belum pernah lagi ke restoren dia. Udah teringin pulak ni hihi...Tp kenyang ke ek?

  4. Salam
    Masalah nya constant demand tak de di pekan kecil. Economy tak setinggi kl.atau bandar besar...
    Kalau melaka org Singapore. Tak pun tourist.
    PD .banyak orang berulang kl atau melaka. Mereka nak enjoy pergi je kl.
    Local the percentage tend to be very minimal.
    So business can't maintain big town demand in small town apetite.
    Same goes with property. With kl price one can get land or.two lots of bungalow.

