Selasa, 4 Disember 2012

Review Breaking Dawn Part 2

After a year of waiting, finally I watched it with Adam and hubby.

The final part of Twilight Saga.

The satisfaction of watching the movie is so different from reading the books. I expect more in the movie but at the end I realized. How long could the movie be if the whole book is being transformed...

So all in all, it is a powerful ending. The crucial question left blank in the book was finally answered in the movie. So, that was it...? That was what Alice showed to Aro... It was amazing.....

The new powerful Bella

Bella learned hunting

You may shut your mouth, Emmet!

The cottage. 

Mother and daughter

Zafrina meets Renesmee

The handsome and cool Alec

Kate's electric power does nothing on Bella

The total books are undeniably attractive. I could read and read and read those books. The movies are quite amazing. But, I really feel that from the beginning, Stephanie Meyer could choose someone else other than Kristen Stewart to be Bella. And the most beautiful vampire which is Rosalie could be played by someone else which could suits the character best. 

Owh, in the book, Alec's power is a transparent mist, hardly seen even to the vampires' eyes, but in the movie his mist is more like dark spooky smoke. That is frustrating. 

Besides, the biggest frustrating ever is Bella's shield power doesn't projected as strong as it should be as in the book. 

Other than that, all are awesome. 

I just wish I could go and watch it once again alone and send myself into the screen. 

10 ulasan:

  1. still finding a chance to watch this movie..

  2. lama dah saya tak tengok wayang kak.. ada la kot dalam 5-6 tahun.. adess...

  3. comey nyer anak bella
    ingat nak DL jer la nanty
    lamanyer x terjah sini
    rindu kaka ketat2 taw @.@

  4. Mrs Eady : Akak pula memang follow cerita nie. Heheheh

  5. Fendy : Kalau x pernah lagi, maybe ada rasa confuse sikit kot.

  6. Rai : Takper Rai, as long as you enjoy.

  7. Lady Ayu : Rinduuuu sangat dengan Ayu juga. Don't quit bloggings yer dik...
