Selasa, 17 September 2013

Simple Breakfast With Love


Sometimes, the choice of simplicity doesn't mean it should not be appreciated.

One of my most simple breakfast for hubby during my sickdays few weeks back. Though I was sick, lack of resources and ability, but the love for him initiated the power for me to provide a plate of love before he goes off to work.

I am not staying with hubby, but when we were under the same roof 10 years ago, I have been without fail woke up early to prepare his breakfast. I don't care whether it's tasty or not because I was still in the learning process then, but his breakfast will always be on the table before he walked out the door. And, at most days, the lunch also will be ready in tupperwares. At certain level, his friends envied him for bringing lunch from home and eat it at the factory's canteen, they even cilok his dishes. Once they cilok, they always want to cilok because it's a home made food accompanied with love. It does taste heaven on earth. So, the days after, I prepared another portion for his friends, hahahahhaa.

But now, we are being separated by states. So, moment together is very precious. Thus, I am trying not to let him go off to work without him having breakfast even if its just a cup of drink.

Have a good day you all....

cilok : take, snatch, steal


18 ulasan:

  1. Untunglah suami yang setiap pagi dapat makan 'air tangan' isteri, kan? :)

  2. rembat also boleh kak.. hahaha..

    saya kalau bab breakfast masih fail lagi.. kadang2 berjaya. tapi most of the time tak berjaya..sobs..

  3. Honestly kakak can't do it. Breakfast for abang during weekend only Ziela. Week days breakfast at canteen... see how bad kakak hihi... (don't follow my style).

  4. sejak ciklan sibuk dengan CKTnya, tiap pagi saya akan buat sarapan sebelum pergi kerja. Bila saya dah ready nak pergi kerja, ciklan akan sarapan dengan anak2.. walaupun tak sesedap mana tapi suka tengok dorang makan.. rasa hilang penat kena bangun awal. ;)

  5. sskali dpt merasa airtngan isteri mesti terbaik punya....

  6. haraplah isteri kita nanti rajin jugak macam akak ^^

  7. @Kakcik Betul tu kak. Kasihan suami saya, jarang2 dapat dilayan makan minumnya. Sob..sob

  8. @Rai Ourkizuna Ala, Rai lain kisah. Nak uruskan anak2 kecil...memang tak menang tangan dibuatnya kan.

  9. @Kakzakie Understood kakak. Career lady, with children at school, it takes high commitment. Plus, we need enough rest as well.

  10. @aizamia3 Waaa.....tabik spring dengan Ina. Tapi betul, tengok diorang makan dan kenyang, kita rasa seronok kan.

  11. @NzA Walaupun simple yang sangat2, tapi bahagia tetap terasa.

  12. @Wan Ahmad Izudean dik. Akak doakan isteri awak lebihhhh cemerlang dari akak. Masih banyak yang perlu akak baiki nie.

  13. Alhamdulillah...

    Masih ada rezeki untuk breakfast..

  14. my mum sangat marah kalau makanan sudah dihidang -lagi² sarapan- tapi anak-anak ada yang tak jamah, terus pi kerja. at least makan sikit pun jadi la, jangan langsung tak jamah.

  15. alhamdulillah, ada masa prepare utk hubby...sure seronok dpt makan air tgn akak kan

  16. Akak adalah contoh isteri terbaik yang wajar diikuti oleh wanita-wanita lain di luar sana....
