Isnin, 2 Mac 2015

Baby Full Moon Party


We were invited to hubby's cousin's party to celebrate his first baby's full moon party. Long years of waiting, this baby is the most awaited for. Everyone of us was more than excited to roll in with the baby...but opppsss........ jaga sikit ya. Anak orang tu...

The invitation card...

The candy table...

The party
We were served with two types of dishes. One from a muslim caterer and another one was from a non muslim. The food was sooooo good.

Hubby's uncles there sitting at the table..The eldest uncle and the youngest uncle. 

The muslim caterer. So friendly and yet so profesional.

The dishes for muslim guests. Got grilled lamb wooo..definitely super delicious.

The happy boys...

Happy couple...ahakss...

Among the goodeis that we received.

I didn't get any chance to snap baby Cayern's picture. We were lining up to meet her obviously. But she is gorgeous. Well....surely we will always meet her in the years to come.


6 ulasan:

  1. meriah sambutanya nya ye ziela..acik nak juga tengok gambar baby

  2. Sedapnye makanan.. tertelan air liur tengok

  3. Hello Aziela, how you doin'? I had to read twice re 'baby's full moon...'. Thinking both of you Malays, hubby's cousin too...and ikut Chinese custom...
    Cousin tu orang Cina?

    Hey nice pic of you and hubby, you look really great, the way, you lost weight? Can see from your cheeks da masuk sikit.
    One way of noticing women lost weight or put on, tengok their cheeks. In = lost. Out = gained, ha ha ha.

    Baby full moon. Mine 2 moons....
    You have a great week....if saya in Penang now, tentu Marcg 6th, after chap goh mei you dapat a lot of phone calls...ha ha ha.
    Simpan satu lagu dalam hati.

  4. alamak bestnya isi goodies
    makanan semua nampak sedap2
