Rabu, 4 Mac 2015

Some People Thought They Own The Road


It has been 2 weeks since I started working in the new company. The office is in Port Dickson, about 15km from my parents.house. No heavy traffic at all. I can reach my parents' house in 15 minutes. Leisurely...

But I actually have been commuting from Malacca all this while because I want to be with hubby. We have been living. Journey takes about 70-75 minutes. That means, I have to take off from home at 6.45 every morning. I can't go earlier than that.

Anyway, along the way, I will bump into so many drivers who thought other people are having a leisure sight seeing while watching the sunrise in the morning.

Oowwww...come on...!!! We are running late for work, okeyyy. And they with the heartless actions, drive around 20 to 40 km/hour. Its impossible to overtake them...small kampung road with busy traffic all the way from Malacca. Very tiring.

I know the options. Get out earlier, but I can't because I desperately need the sleep n rest. I can't sleep earlier coz hubby ysually arrive very late at night. I need to run the domestic chores and spend good time with hubby. So I end up go to bed after midnight.

The other option is stay at my parents' house. Also not an option. I want to stay with hubby.

The last choice that I have is....quit. Maybe I will if this tiny matter along with other tiny matters get in my way..


8 ulasan:

  1. now it's the matter of choices kan kak?

  2. Betul sesangat. Memang kadang2 boleh buat stress di pagi hari. Ya, faham..kalau mereka sedang bercuti ke apa..tapi kita ni nak pergi keja.. huuhuhuu..sometime rasa nak menangis mengenangkan betapa slownya pemanduan..dan lagi geram bila jenis yang nak masuk kiri kanan xbagi signal..huh..sabar jelah...

  3. tu lah masalah jalan kampung~! semua pakat makan angin..

    selamat berhijrah kak.. semoga dipermudahkan urusan ulang alik kerja..

  4. hahahaha..

    duduk KL, masalah jem.
    lalu jalan kampung, org drive too slow pulak!

    there is another option for you...build a nice beach house kat PD..keh keh keh

  5. kalau jumpa yg macam tu.. rasa nak picit2 kete dia.. hahaha

  6. nak buat camnerkan.. macam2 perangai...

