Rabu, 30 Disember 2015

Lunch Mengancam di Btg Benar


Sejak hubby kerja di Nilai ni, dia dah pandai explore makanan pedas. Batang Benar ni dekat jer dengan Nilai. So, selalulah hubby makan disini dngan kawan2nya.

Batang Benar ni memang terkenal di kalangan orang sekitarnya dengan masakan Nogori yang pekat dan pedas mengancam tu. Ramai juga blogger yang dah share, tapi saya nak share juga pengalaman saya.

Antara yang 'win' ialah ikan jenahak masak lemak cili padi campur dengan peria. Ambil pula kepala jenahak...mak aiii...berpeluh2 menyedutnya. Kuahnya memang cukup pekat, cukup lemak dan cukup pedas. Kalau ada yang tak makan pedas, tolong jangan siksa diri yer. Tapi kami sekeluarga memang cukup suka. Tapau bawa balik untuk mak dan Mommy juga.

Ini pula, pucuk  paku goreng. Bolehla...rasa macam sayur goreng biasa tu. Jauh tertinggal dibandingkan dengan kerabu pucuk paku Aunty Aini tu...

Ini....pecal. Yang ini, saya suka sangat. Saya sorang jer yang meratah. Hubby dan Adam cuit sikit2 jer.

Tengoklah anak beranak ni...posing dengan lauk pauk. Tunggu nasi dengan air jer ni..
Kat situ, ada ayam opp anggang juga. Ada juga daging kambing panggang. Hubby suka yang panggang2 ni. Saya pula lebih berkenan dengan kuah2 kuning tu.

Sedap memang sedap...tapi tak boleh selalu. Tak baik untuk paras kolesterol. Bahaya untuk kesihatan usus.

Tapi sedap, okeh...!


Jumaat, 11 Disember 2015

Engineer Cafe, Nilai and The One Unsung Hero


Oh, its Friday...yieehaaa.. Weekend is here!

Well, I don't have much time lately to blog though I miss blogging world so much. What I do have in draft folder now is mostly about food. I hope you guys would enjoy my postings about food.

Engineers Cafe located in Bandar Baru Nilai. Its at the same row with Secret Recipe. Hubby was here with his colleagues and they find it more than acceptable. So sometimes they even had meeting over the dinner here.

Menu is simple. No wide variety, but for me it's satisfying. Simple food but appear fantastic, excellent drinks and relaxing ambiance.

Hubby's drink. Mojita something..something. I can't remember.

Adam's choice, carbonara spaghetti. Big portion for big boy. He enjoyed it soo much.

My choice and hubby's. Spaghetti Lemak Cili Padi. The souce...oh my...oh my... Extra delicious, extra hot, sooo creamy and so satisfying. They mixed it with chunks of tender and juicy sirloin meats. This...is fit for the original taste buds of Nogori people.

I enjoyed the cold plain water in this big bottle. Best suit with the lemak pedas spaghetti. And...I stayed there for quite a long period, while enjoying reading my novel.

Oh guysss....girlsss....you all MUST read this novel. It is packed with information. What's the good ethics in raising your child, what could go wrong  with a couple communication, what does our country's tough commando personnel of VAT69 team gone through...they are all in this book. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Find The One, by Melur Jelita.

Oh, back to the cafe. You don't have to be an engineer to be here. I know caused I was there, enjoyed it and I am not an engineer....


Rabu, 9 Disember 2015

Jumaat, 4 Disember 2015

Aunty Aini's Garden Cafe


We had our dinner here in Aunty Aini's Garden Cafe a few months ago. I have watched the world chefs such as Anthony Bourdain, Gordon Ramsay and Martin Yan came to this restaurant through tv. The world kmown chefs learnt to cook in the Aunty Aini's kitchen.

So, what's so special about Aunty Aini? She is a good cook. She maintains the traditional recipe of the Malaysian Minang dishes in which we called it Negeri Sembilan's dishes. She inherits the recipe and the passion from her mother.

Let's have a look for certain dishes that we explored.

The Masak Lemak Cili Padi Telur Itik. Duck's Egg in spicy coconut milk. The broth is ok for me, but I don't like the texture of the eggs here. It was too hard. The egg was supposed to be smooth, soft..and wobbly. Maybe some other time they serve better than this.

This is the Fish Head of Jenahak, cooked in spicy coconut broth with fermented durian. In Malay it is Ikan Jenahak Masak Lemak Tempoyak.

 Oh, we love this dish soo much. The broth was perfect, the perfect original authentic spiciness and thickness, with an inviting fragrance of the tempoyak and also the perfect freshness of the fish. My parents love this dish sooo much.

 We had the famous sambal tumis sotong with petai. A winner for me, but not to my mother.

For the little boy Danish, we had ayam kampung goreng and plain omelette.

The happy little one.

The most sought after. Kerabu pucuk paku. The soft fresh of the vegetable, mixed with herbs and kerisik. The perfect balance of crunchiness, the herbs, the hint of not overpowering chilly and the grated coconut. 

We finished off with the sinfully deli ious Tapai Pulut Aiskrim. It is the sweet fermented glutinous rice, topped with icecream.


Pricey.....but worth it.

Khamis, 3 Disember 2015

HFM Akibat Meng'Udang'


Hubby dah kembali kemaruk mengudang sebulan dua ni. Ada pergi kolam...tapi dia and the geng lebih suka naik bot. Kadang2 konvoi 3 bot..kadang2 sebuah saja. Lokasinya ialah Sg Timun di Lubok China. Sungai yg terkenal dgn buayanya.
Kadang2 beratur buaya kalau terrsampai ke sarangnya. Kadang2 buaya tu yang berenang santai sebelah bot mereka. Ada yang besar..tp banyak yg kecil.

Entah kenapa, balik dr mengudang dgn menge'bot' Ahad lepas, dia nampak sgt letih. Petangnya tiba2 demam panas. Esoknya Isnin..dia pergi kerja walau tekak sakit, badan sakit. Selasa, tangan dah tak boleh genggam sbb bengkak bengkik. Rabu semlm, MC lah sbb tapak kaki pun sama. Nak berpijak pun tak boleh. Sakit yg amat.

Mula2 dia ingat chicken pox. Tapi kat bahagian lain tak ada. Memang hanya di tapak tangan, tapak kaki, dlm mulut, tekak dan dalam hidung saja. Saya yg penoreh getah ni dah suspect HFM disease...dpt dr pak buaya kot..hehehe.

Dan ya...sekarang pada jam hampir pukul 2 pagi, saya masih di emergency dept hospital. Admision...bilik isolation. Nnt takut berjangkit. Aduhai...dugaan sungguh.

Doakan saya bertahan untuk menyempurnakan tanggungjawab saya menjaga suami saya...


Rabu, 2 Disember 2015

Sabtu, 28 November 2015

Employees' Appreciation Hi-Tea Party


I just came back from Kerteh, Terengganu. Our company organized a small hi-tea party for the employees. A small appreciation get together with them. We have done this in PD as the HQ and the second event was done for Kerteh branch.

The party theme was Back to School. So we had to fit in. As in the above pictures, the boys with their school uniform. And no..they are not young. Some were even wearing their sons' uniform. And some put extra effort to go and buy new shirt purposely to fit the theme.

You have school children, teachers should be there too. Yeap, being in the HR Dept, I have to be the Discipline Teacher. Fit me, right...hahaha.
 Oh, my colleague was the school prefect. Our bosses became the Headmaster and so on...according to the rank.

The arrival of our Headmaster. The owner of the company with his wife which is my direct boss. The children were lining up welcoming them to Kerteh.

My GM in blue shirt, the 3rd man in the company being the Headmaster Asst, and the Branch Manager as the Head Prefect.

The couple who owns, started and developed the company.

We had the party at the Kerteh Golf n Recreation Petronas Club. The food was super nice, the cooperation n service were excellent and they prepared the venue to suit our theme.

Everyone had a great time. It was a big relief to me. Finally we did it. All of the weeks hardwork paid off. Phewww....

And....back to the normal busy routine life with a little spice and sparks now and then.


Isnin, 16 November 2015

Cara Memohon MRSM Jurusan IGCSE Ting 1 2016


Sekejap saja masa berlalu. Diam tak diam, Adam dah habis setahun di MRSM. Alhamdulillah. Namun, perjalanannya masih jauh dan penuh berliku.

Esok, keputusan UPSR utk calon tahun 2015 akan diumumkan. Saya ingin berkongsi sedikit pengalaman kami dalam memohon MRSM Adam tahun lepas.

Bagi pelajar cemerlang yang memiliki 5A, kalau benar dia dah nekad untuk sambung di asrama, apa salahnya beri peluang. Jangan pilih, apply jer semua. MRSM, SBP, SMKA....apply saja semua. Ada panggilan utk ujian, pergi saja. Dah dapat tawaran, baru pertimbangkan semula.

SBP dan SMKA, apply online saja. MRSM pun sama, tapi ada stepnya.

1. Sebaik terima slip dan permohonan di buka, pergi segera ke mana2 pejabat MARA. Bawa slip UPSR dan kad pengenalan. Di sana dapatkan nombor pin untuk permohonan online. Jangan lambat sbb takut lah kalau ditutup ke, habis ke kan.

2. Study dulu jurusan MRSM yang diminati. Ada 3 jurusan iaitu Sains, Ulul Albab (sains + tahfiz) dan IGCSE ( sains + Cambridge ).

3. Cari pula lokasi pilihan utk jurusan pilihan. Senaraikan 5 pilihan.

4. Isi borang dengan tenang dan berhati2. Anda hanya ada beberapa peluang saja utk edit sebelum submit.

5. Isi borang dgn tepat dan jujur. Hantar segera setelah siap.

Adam dulu, tanpa kami sangka memilih jurusan IGCSE yg mana kami semua tak pernah tahu kewujudan jurusan itu. Bila search...mak oiiii Cambridge tu nakkk. Boleh bawa ke? Dah la English kami ni semua so and so jer. Tp Adam nekad nak cuba. Dan saya terus pandang Adam dgn penuh pilu. Anakku dah besar, dh tahu apa yg dia nak. Baik...percayakan dia. Maka apply lah.

Kami mohon pusat temuduga sama ada di Alor Gajah atau Jelebu. Pilihan ketiga ialah Bt Pahat. Tapi disebabkan kami lewat submit, 2 pilihan utama dah penuh. Maka dapatlah di Batu Pahat. Oh, selepas submit jer borang, terus dpt tarikh dan lokasi temuduga. Jgn lupa print dan bawa sekali.

Kami dapat masa 2 minggu utk bersiap sebelum temuduga. Saya google sana sini. Dapatlah bayangan dan tipsnya. Maka bermulalah sesi persiapan utk Adam.

1. Revise kembali subjek maths, sains dan english. Kami terpaksa speaking siang mlm dgn dia. Sampai tersasul2 nenek atuk punya grammar.

2. Buat anggaran soalan yg akan ditanya. Antara tips yg saya terima, lagi bnyk pelajar bercakap dgn lancar, lagi disukai oleh penemuduga. Jadi, saya draftkan soalan dan jawapan utk Adam. Dia kena cuba ingat dan jawab. Tak hafal pun tak per. Soalan mcm berikut :
A. Tell me about yourself (include strength, academics, family background n interest)
B. What is your hobby and ambition
C. What do you know about IGCSE. Ni antara soalan penting.
D. Prepare utk soalan isu semasa. Adam prepare utk GST dan STAGG Police Team masa tu. So every day dia kena baca english newspaper and kami akan discuss tentang intipati berita2 tu.

Sehari sebelum intvw, kami dah tiba di Batu Pahat. Sewa homestay. Malam tu, buat revision lagi dgn atuk nenek pula. Atuk berlakon jadi interviewer.

Lepas tu berlatih cara jalan, cara senyum, cara bersalam dan eye contact dgn panel interviews. Cara duduk menjawab soalan, di mana letak tgn, kaki bengkok berapa darjah, posture badan, shoulder square...semua lah.

Hari intvw, ada tiga section rupanya. Section pertama, ujian maths, sains dan english. Computerized..bukan bertulis yer. So latih anak guna keyboard dan mouse.

Section 2, IQ test. Computerized juga.
Section 3, baru intvw.

Dlm intvw, yes..semua yg saya senaraikan di atas, mmg ditanya. Kalau ada 3 saat calon diam, dia akan tukar soalan. Kalau masih diam, dia akan akhirkan sesi temuduga with bye and tq.

Adam sedikit sangkut di soalan level akhir iaitu current issue. Soalannya ialah :
What is your opinion about the landslide tragedy in Cameron Highlands?

Hambekkkk.... Bukan What Do You Know yer...tapi What is Your OPINION! Aduhai...budak 12 tahun...ambik masa sikitlah. Tp more than 3 seconds, so dia tukar soalan. Dia tanya opinion about Suzuki Cup pulak. Mujur Adam kaki bola. Laju jer lah dia jawab.

Habis semua english questions, Adam kena mengaji, satu page Al Qur'an. Ok...this is new too. Tapi mujur juga Adam tahu mengaji. Syukur.

So, inilah serba sedikit tipsnya.

Oh, kalau ada yg gagal permohonan SBP, tak bermaksud anda adalah pilihan saki baki yer. Bila result dah ada, pihak SBP dan MARA akan berbincang utk meng'agih'kan pelajar pilihan mereka. Maka, apa saja tawaran yg anda dapat, sama ada terima dgn syukur atau bersedia untuk 50% kemungkinan tidak dapat langsung.

Of course, disamping berusaha, mohonlah, doalah dan percaya dgn ALLAH. Kalau gagal, ada yg lebih baik menanti, Insya Allah.

Selamat Maju Jaya semuanya.


Jumaat, 13 November 2015

Manhattan Fish Market


Kadang2, bila melawat Adam di asrama, kami bawa dia keluar outing. Bila agak2 dia stress, bawalah dia makan best sikit. Bagi dia happy. One of those days, kami bawa dia makan MFM di Pall Mall Seremban.

Nampak sikit, tapi banyak okeh portion Adam ni. And dia habiskan dgn selamber. Stress sangatlah gamaknya.

Clamp chowder.

First time kami makan clamp chowder. Eh! Sedap rupanya ekkk...

Tapi it ended well. Alhamdulillah. Adam nampak bersemangat sikit. 

Rasanya, bukan sebab food or the place, tp maybe sbb family ada..dia rasa bersemangat sikit.

Anyway, dia dah start cuti hujung tahun. Good bye form 1. Tak sabar nak tunggu dia masuk form 2. Dia dh janji...konon nak 100% independent. Balik kg pun katanya nak naik bas sendiri. Baikkk...kita tengok sama2 nnt.


Rabu, 11 November 2015

Another Wedding in the Family


Another wedding. My cousin from father's side. Hubby was not able to join. He had to attend his company's team building. I drove to Kepong with Adam and my parents. Tell you what. That was the first time ever I went to FRIM. For all those almost 20 years in KL, it took me there only when I left KL. Pathetic, right?

It was a garden wedding theme, organized at Villa Aromatica in FRIM.
Adam with his second cousin. My cousin's son. They are at the same age. They used to play together hecticly when they were small, but now that they grew up...they just smiled and shake hands. 

My moment with my boy...

My uncle is the father of the groom. He was a violinist which attached to RTM's orchestra since he was very young. He retired a few years back.

So in his sons's wedding, I got to meet his orchestra team member. A pianist as nd another violinist. They were amazing....

So, that's it. Another wedding... At least I was able to join the gathering. 


Rabu, 28 Oktober 2015

Khamis, 22 Oktober 2015

Menu Sahur Mudah 4


Wah...ramai yang sedang menanti waktu berbuka nampaknya ya....

Esok, nak masak apa la pula ya...
Menu diatas ni saya sediakan waktu bersahur. Kobis goreng, tapi berkuah dan renjiskan sedikit kicap. Sebelahnya pula, gulai daging pedas saya tumbukkan cilu padi merah, tumiskan debgan bawang merah dan masukkan santan pekat. Aduhai...pedas tu lah yang buatkan sahur saya menyelerakan.

Tapi, untuk yang tak makan pedas, adjustlah ikut diri masing2 yer....

Oh yer...selamat menjamu selera semuanya....


Khamis, 15 Oktober 2015

Bila Ada Yang Tak Pandai Menghormati....


Dalam menjalani hidup sehari2, pasti kita jumpa ramai orang dengan sikap sombong, bongkak dan rasa dirinya paling mulia.

Apa yang anda buat?

Dulu.....waktu saya muda, masih mentah lagi...saya sering mengalah bila jumpa orang begini kerana saya masih mampu untuk bersangka baik. Saya masih boleh teruskan menghormati orang lain.

Tapi bila usia saya semakin senja, saya mula rasa bertanggungjawab untuk bantu 'mendidik' mereka dengan cara saya sendiri.

Di syarikat baru ini, ramai engineer baru. Sayangnya, mereka juga 'baru' dalam budi bahasa.

Bila ada yg tunjuk langsi pada saya beberapa hari lepas, saya terpaksa keluarkan taring dan kuku. Itupun keluar hujung2, sipi2 jer.

Dan yang langsi dulu, hari ni menjadi mesra alam terlebih dgn saya. Semoga beliau lebih berhati2 bila berbicara lepas ini. Tak selamanya kita mampu menongkat langit.


Isnin, 12 Oktober 2015

Fire Drill


As a company which services the oil and gas industry, safety is the most important aspect in our work life. Fire drill is an exercise to train our employees what should be done whenever there is any incident occurs.

Usually the weather would be a challenge. Though, the ladies are smiling happily...yup..we managed to escape the 'fire'...wooohoooo...!

The Operation Dept.'s Branch Manager giving briefing. All in all, everybody managed to evacuate within 2 minutes time.

We had an incident before, an industrial trainee was servicing a tank truck. He forgot to double check that the tank was emptied before he starts any work. So when he started to flash out the welding gas tools, the fire caught the gas contained in the tank. It burned him around 12%, I think. He burnt half his face, some hair, and the exposed arms and a small area of his chest. Luckily he wore the complete set of safety equipment.

Thus, fire drill is important, guys....


Jumaat, 9 Oktober 2015

Hubby's Trip To Mexico


Hubby was assigned to do some audits inMexico last month. That was his first experience in Mexico. He was excited though it was a very short 2 days trip.

He flew with Lufthansa Airlines. A German's airline. They flew straight almost 12 hours and transit in Frankfurt for 7 hours and proceed another journey right to Mexico City for the next 12 hours. Almost 2 days time for him to reach Mexico.

Done with some works, he managed to take a one day Mexico City tour and visited the oyramid area. It is an historical site. Yes, you read it right. Pyramid. Mexico has pyramyds ladies and gentlemen. It contains with some dark stories. You can google it.

He shopped some chillies. It were me and mak's order..hahaha. Well...this is the time for us to have a taste of the real fresh.Mexico's chillies. It is said that the habaneros are a lot more hotter than our cili padi. Is that true?

Oh...I will write about it in different entry...

He ate rice in Mexico. Purely rice at the seafood shops. It is soooo difficult to find great halal food.
On the way back, hubby took opportunity to walk around Frankfurt when he laid off in Germany for half day. Frankfurt is beautiful...a lot of halal restaurants and easier to fit in too.

Look at the Germany's fruits at their wet market. Yummy huh...


Rabu, 7 Oktober 2015

WW : D'Laila Mee Udang, Nilai


Mee Udang, the best...

Maggie Telur Ikan Mayong. Not for me..

Psst : I've tried....

Selasa, 29 September 2015

Wedding Anak Buah...


We went to the my cousin's son's wedding last weekend. It was held at Casa Helicornia in Jln Gurney. A simple get together for family and friend. I know the bridegroom, but I do not know him upclose. His parents are close with us...but yea..time constraint. We only meet during festive days only.

We arrived early. In fact we were the first guest...hahaha. Oh, it was me, hubby and Adam, together with my parents. Another aunty with my cousin tag along with us too.

We came early so that we could catch up news and updates with family. Enjoy the food, enjoy the warmth of the relations.

Besides the main nasi beriyani set dish, these were the desert counter. It is a simple dish and set up, but it excites us.

The salad counter. I like the dates. Freshly picked and brought back by my cousin's wife whom work in Medinah as a lecturer in nursing related subjects.

Adam and his papa. We were about to return him back to school  after the wedding. 

My other's cousin daughter. Raja Farah. She is an actress and tv host. Newly wed and she looks much more happier this time. She screamed in surprise meeting Adam. Last she met Adam,  I think few years back. From a chubby primary school boy, Adam of course has changed.

The couple. I will have to interview the new member of the family, hihihi.

Another 2 weeks time, another cousin's wedding in FRIM. The next 2 weeks after that, the reception of Raja Farah. Hopefully that's the closing for this year. Next year will be quite handfull for family members' wedding and engagement.

I like the busy aroma of love celebrations.
