
1:53 PTG
Posted by Azielain 0 comments

It was a very unexpected moment. I got a chance to meet up with my roommates and housemates when I was in matric. Hahaha...luckily we are connecting through cyber world....otherwise all the momories will be forgotten. It felt so good....and I've almost forgot that I'm actually married..hahahahha until of course when suddenly my dear hubby called and asked whether I'm ok or not.

Hopefully we could arrange for a better specific venue and date for a soulful reunion. That is one of my dreams.....

Anyway...tqvm girlss.......I enjoy the meeting and of course the fooooooood....hahahahhaah.

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Busy week....

9:05 PG
Posted by Azielain 2 comments

( Me with Yana, the bakal pengantin )
Kelmarin, ada kejadian malang yang berlaku.... Aku jatuh masuk dalam longkang depan opis.....tidaaakkkkk!!!!! Terseliuh laa buku lali sebelah kanan. Kanannnnn plak tu. Mcm mana nak bawak kereta...???

Anyway, semalam dah mintak tolong sorang cleaner Indon urutkan. Mak aiihhh, sakitnyerrrr..... Menjerit2 la jugak sepanjang sesi urutan tu. Sakit giler beb. Nak buat macam mana kan...nak baik punya pasal.

On the same day I fell, I received news from sis that Adam has fever. Alamak...Adam has fever...he has fever...what about his tonsil?? He's actually fragile,

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First Post

3:54 PTG
Posted by Azielain 1 comments

Yey..yey...yey..yey.....dah ada blog sendiri. Yes....tengkiu Darlene....Hang laa yang bagi inspirasi untuk aku tulih blog nie. Sayaanggggg hang.....hehehhehe.

Anyway...hari nie, hari blog sedunia gua la agaknya. Tadi tulis blog friendster. Ini create blog sendiri pulak..heheheh. Tamak sungguh. Keje berlambak-lambak lagi nie. Tapi macam tak ada mood nak keje sangat. Bos pun cuti. So gua laa boss dlm department arie nie..heheheheh...perasan.. Alaa..jap lagi sambung keje....dun worry. Lepas gian nak menulis jer. Hari nie keje semua melibatkan calculator. Adoiii...bab mengira nie..lemahhhh sket. Masa study pun....subjek nie laa paling lemah sekali nak attend. Nak..nak...subjek Statistic...adoiiiii......pengsan-pengsan juga laa kalau nak ada exam atau quiz tu.

Ha...nanti next week sambung lagi blogging. Bleh cerita pasal mengundi plak. Ermm..patut ker copy paste postings dlm friendster masuk ke

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