Lunch Mengancam di Btg Benar

8:39 PTG
Posted by Azielain 8 comments


Sejak hubby kerja di Nilai ni, dia dah pandai explore makanan pedas. Batang Benar ni dekat jer dengan Nilai. So, selalulah hubby makan disini dngan kawan2nya.

Batang Benar ni memang terkenal di kalangan orang sekitarnya dengan masakan Nogori yang pekat dan pedas mengancam tu. Ramai juga blogger yang dah share, tapi saya nak share juga pengalaman saya.

Antara yang 'win' ialah ikan jenahak masak lemak cili padi campur dengan peria. Ambil pula kepala jenahak...mak aiii...berpeluh2 menyedutnya. Kuahnya memang cukup pekat, cukup lemak dan cukup

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Engineer Cafe, Nilai and The One Unsung Hero

9:43 PG
Posted by Azielain 8 comments


Oh, its Friday...yieehaaa.. Weekend is here!

Well, I don't have much time lately to blog though I miss blogging world so much. What I do have in draft folder now is mostly about food. I hope you guys would enjoy my postings about food.

Engineers Cafe located in Bandar Baru Nilai. Its at the same row with Secret Recipe. Hubby was here with his colleagues and they find it more than acceptable. So sometimes they even had meeting over the dinner here.

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WW : Megi Udang Galah

12:18 PTG
Posted by Azielain 11 comments


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Aunty Aini's Garden Cafe

7:38 PTG
Posted by Azielain 8 comments


We had our dinner here in Aunty Aini's Garden Cafe a few months ago. I have watched the world chefs such as Anthony Bourdain, Gordon Ramsay and Martin Yan came to this restaurant through tv. The world kmown chefs learnt to cook in the Aunty Aini's kitchen.

So, what's so special about Aunty Aini? She is a good cook. She maintains the traditional recipe of the Malaysian Minang dishes in which we called it Negeri Sembilan's dishes. She inherits the recipe and the passion from

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HFM Akibat Meng'Udang'

1:48 PG
Posted by Azielain 4 comments


Hubby dah kembali kemaruk mengudang sebulan dua ni. Ada pergi kolam...tapi dia and the geng lebih suka naik bot. Kadang2 konvoi 3 bot..kadang2 sebuah saja. Lokasinya ialah Sg Timun di Lubok China. Sungai yg terkenal dgn buayanya.
Kadang2 beratur buaya kalau terrsampai ke sarangnya. Kadang2 buaya tu yang berenang santai sebelah bot mereka. Ada yang banyak yg kecil.

Entah kenapa, balik dr mengudang dgn menge'bot' Ahad lepas, dia nampak sgt letih. Petangnya tiba2 demam panas. Esoknya Isnin..dia pergi kerja walau tekak sakit, badan sakit.

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WW: Kembali Meng'Udang'

8:30 PG
Posted by Azielain 12 comments


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Employees' Appreciation Hi-Tea Party

1:30 PG
Posted by Azielain 6 comments


I just came back from Kerteh, Terengganu. Our company organized a small hi-tea party for the employees. A small appreciation get together with them. We have done this in PD as the HQ and the second event was done for Kerteh branch.

The party theme was Back to School. So we had to fit in. As in the above pictures, the boys with their school uniform. And no..they are not young. Some were even wearing their sons' uniform. And some put extra effort to go

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Cara Memohon MRSM Jurusan IGCSE Ting 1 2016

8:02 PTG
Posted by Azielain 13 comments


Sekejap saja masa berlalu. Diam tak diam, Adam dah habis setahun di MRSM. Alhamdulillah. Namun, perjalanannya masih jauh dan penuh berliku.

Esok, keputusan UPSR utk calon tahun 2015 akan diumumkan. Saya ingin berkongsi sedikit pengalaman kami dalam memohon MRSM Adam tahun lepas.

Bagi pelajar cemerlang yang memiliki 5A, kalau benar dia dah nekad untuk sambung di asrama, apa salahnya beri peluang. Jangan pilih, apply jer semua. MRSM, SBP, SMKA....apply saja semua. Ada panggilan utk ujian, pergi saja. Dah dapat tawaran, baru pertimbangkan semula.

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Manhattan Fish Market

9:00 PG
Posted by Azielain 11 comments


Kadang2, bila melawat Adam di asrama, kami bawa dia keluar outing. Bila agak2 dia stress, bawalah dia makan best sikit. Bagi dia happy. One of those days, kami bawa dia makan MFM di Pall Mall Seremban.

Nampak sikit, tapi banyak okeh portion Adam ni. And dia habiskan dgn selamber. Stress sangatlah gamaknya.

Clamp chowder.
First time kami makan clamp chowder. Eh! Sedap rupanya ekkk...
Tapi it ended well. Alhamdulillah. Adam nampak bersemangat sikit. 
Rasanya, bukan sebab food or the place,

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Another Wedding in the Family

8:05 PTG
Posted by Azielain 6 comments


Another wedding. My cousin from father's side. Hubby was not able to join. He had to attend his company's team building. I drove to Kepong with Adam and my parents. Tell you what. That was the first time ever I went to FRIM. For all those almost 20 years in KL, it took me there only when I left KL. Pathetic, right?

It was a garden wedding theme, organized at Villa Aromatica in FRIM.
Adam with his second cousin. My cousin's son. They are at

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WW: Menangani Stress

2:37 PTG
Posted by Azielain 3 comments


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Menu Sahur Mudah 4

6:16 PTG
Posted by Azielain 3 comments


Wah...ramai yang sedang menanti waktu berbuka nampaknya ya....

Esok, nak masak apa la pula ya...
Menu diatas ni saya sediakan waktu bersahur. Kobis goreng, tapi berkuah dan renjiskan sedikit kicap. Sebelahnya pula, gulai daging pedas saya tumbukkan cilu padi merah, tumiskan debgan bawang merah dan masukkan santan pekat. Aduhai...pedas tu lah yang buatkan sahur saya menyelerakan.

Tapi, untuk yang tak makan pedas, adjustlah ikut diri masing2 yer....

Oh yer...selamat menjamu selera semuanya....


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Bila Ada Yang Tak Pandai Menghormati....

10:42 PTG
Posted by Azielain 10 comments


Dalam menjalani hidup sehari2, pasti kita jumpa ramai orang dengan sikap sombong, bongkak dan rasa dirinya paling mulia.

Apa yang anda buat?

Dulu.....waktu saya muda, masih mentah lagi...saya sering mengalah bila jumpa orang begini kerana saya masih mampu untuk bersangka baik. Saya masih boleh teruskan menghormati orang lain.

Tapi bila usia saya semakin senja, saya mula rasa bertanggungjawab untuk bantu 'mendidik' mereka dengan cara saya sendiri.

Di syarikat baru ini, ramai engineer baru. Sayangnya, mereka juga 'baru' dalam budi bahasa.

Bila ada yg tunjuk langsi pada saya beberapa hari lepas, saya terpaksa keluarkan taring dan kuku. Itupun keluar hujung2, sipi2 jer.

Dan yang langsi dulu, hari ni menjadi mesra alam

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Fire Drill

9:30 PG
Posted by Azielain 5 comments


As a company which services the oil and gas industry, safety is the most important aspect in our work life. Fire drill is an exercise to train our employees what should be done whenever there is any incident occurs.

Usually the weather would be a challenge. Though, the ladies are smiling happily...yup..we managed to escape the 'fire'...wooohoooo...!

The Operation Dept.'s Branch Manager giving briefing. All in all, everybody managed to evacuate within 2 minutes time.

We had an incident before,

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Hubby's Trip To Mexico

9:00 PG
Posted by Azielain 8 comments


Hubby was assigned to do some audits inMexico last month. That was his first experience in Mexico. He was excited though it was a very short 2 days trip.

He flew with Lufthansa Airlines. A German's airline. They flew straight almost 12 hours and transit in Frankfurt for 7 hours and proceed another journey right to Mexico City for the next 12 hours. Almost 2 days time for him to reach Mexico.

Done with some works, he managed to take a one day Mexico

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WW : D'Laila Mee Udang, Nilai

11:26 PG
Posted by Azielain 8 comments


Mee Udang, the best...
Maggie Telur Ikan Mayong. Not for me..
Psst : I've tried....

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Wedding Anak Buah...

10:35 PG
Posted by Azielain 14 comments


We went to the my cousin's son's wedding last weekend. It was held at Casa Helicornia in Jln Gurney. A simple get together for family and friend. I know the bridegroom, but I do not know him upclose. His parents are close with us...but yea..time constraint. We only meet during festive days only.

We arrived early. In fact we were the first guest...hahaha. Oh, it was me, hubby and Adam, together with my parents. Another aunty with my cousin tag along with us too.

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