My Luck in CONTEST..


Talking about contests, giveaways, lucky draws and all those in the same category.. I'm not kind of 'built' for it. Through out my years, I've never receive anything based on luck. To cut it short...I'm not a LUCKY person. Hehehhe.. Some people do have this kind of magnet in which he or she will surely get some in any occasion. But me, I have to work for it. I need to put a lot of effort if I want something. I mean really MUCH effort.

Maybe that makes me kind of lack of self confidence person. Oh yes.. I do not have strong self confidence. I've been trying to strenghten that since forever, but everytime I try, something will pull me down deeper and make me suffer more. Owhh.. I need good motivation and skills.

However, in other parts of life, when I compare my condition with people at the same rank, I do feel thankful. Allah actually 'gives' me rezeki in other aspects. Not through these lucky draws or contests or whatever, but He gave me a good family.. Alhamdulillah. And not to mention, happiness in a specific ways.

I am sure everyone has their own cuts. It's the matter of we perceive things in our life. Either to complaints and feel sorrow, or thankful and enjoy the nikmah...

So friends, when I join contest in blogging world, I am very sure that I won't get anything. I join to support friends and to spice up the blogging world.

And friends... I am sincere.. Insya'Allah...
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5 thoughts..

RamRamCute berkata...

jangan mudah berputus asa...cuba lagi, lagi dan lagi..insyaallah berjaya... sabar ok ;))

☆♥L@dy @yU♥☆ berkata...

eh kiter senasib la
ai bab2 luck ni mmg fail ngeee
sebab tu GA x pernah join pow hahaha
OMG ur header dah lawa la

Aziela berkata...

Rahmah : Tak apa.... Tak berjaya pun tak per wak. Saya dapat meriahkan keadaan pun jadilah...

Aziela berkata...

Azam : Err..cuba, tapi tidak letak harapan.

Aziela berkata...

Lady Ayu : Ha..memang kan..hehehehe. Header, kawan kita buatkan. Kita pun suka. Cuma nak kena personalized sikit lagi..hehehehe.