A Death Threat...



Yesterday was a hectic day in the office. We had payroll's problem with data corrupted and it was the due date for us to submit it to the bank, with training matters, with meetings and bad news announcement from the CEO, and it was still not enough to break my hearts and body.

 A moment just before the training started yesterday, our colleague collected mail from the company's letter box. One of the letters attracted our attentions.

Picture source from Google Image

It was the normal envelope as pictured above, but the length was longer than that. It was bulky... When we opened it with high level of curiosity, we found a piece of used car maintenance service reminder sticker, the one that normally stick to your car's front window, a used bottle cork, a piece of our company's name torn from a local newspaper and a rusty surgical knife just like the following illustration.

Picture sourced from Google Image

It sent panic message to us. My bosses were confused and couldn't believe that these things were intended for us and me was shivering inside. The envelope was stamped from Sabah, but it was impossible delivered by mail. Pos Malaysia won't let it through. Furthermore the stuffs inside the envelope would be scattered along the way. So our guess, it was sent by hand, but they covered the trail by using a used envelope. Or, they could just order a simple rubber stamp similar with Pos Malaysia's for the price of RM1.50 from shops.

After discussing it, we decided that we should lodge a police report. Since I was fully occupied, some other colleagues carried the responsibility. The police officers classified it as crime case. They took all and asked many questions. The advice : Be careful.

And now I am too scared for not to think about it. Every one of the employees is in danger.

There's nothing else that we can do other than du'a.


19 thoughts..

zoul dahan™ berkata...

Banyak sangat tengok telenovela mamat psiko ni...

Anum berkata...


Aziela berkata...

@zouldahan Ye ker Doc, tapi nampak macam serius jer...

Aziela berkata...

@Nurzakiah Hanum :(

t.a.t.a berkata...

Woh! Scary jugak ni. Korang dapat simpulkan tak threat tu ditujukan kepada sesiapa particularly?

Sukma berkata...

be careful dear....

aizamia3 berkata...

Moga semua pekerja ditampat akak termasuk akak sendiri selamat dari mereka yang berniat jahat.

aizamia3 berkata...

Moga semua pekerja ditampat akak termasuk akak sendiri selamat dari mereka yang berniat jahat.

ellynadyra berkata...

careful kak, harap tak de apa2, sekadar mainan org psiko

Zurina berkata...

pekaba tn tanah...lamanya tak jln2 blog kawan2...:)

Unknown berkata...

duh..scary.. hati2 kak..jgn sensorang.. sentiasa berteman ya..

Al-Manar berkata...

I cannot make out anything from the bits and pieces. Is it a threat? Who is the target, the company, management or staff members? I do not see it beyond the work of a crank.

Aziela berkata...

@t.a.t.a Memang scary. Tapi tak tau untuk company ke, atau untuk top management.

Aziela berkata...

@Sukma Haron Thank you, kak

Aziela berkata...

@aizamia3 Amiin

Aziela berkata...

@elly nadyra Polis kata, orang ni serius.

Aziela berkata...

@Zurina Khabar baik dalam ketakutan..? Hehehehehe

Aziela berkata...

@Rai Ourkizuna Dah lah akak ni selalu balik lewat malam...

Aziela berkata...

@Al-Manar Pak Hassan, it's either the company as a whole, or the management. i don;t think it's a threat personally for the staffs. We have a lot of business and political disputes in and out of the company. Thus, the suspects could be one from a long list. Sigh...