Baru-baru nie....bapa mertua aku sakit perut. Dalam 2 hari juga la terlantar kat rumah...sebab tak larat nak bangun. Dah pergi klinik, and doktor kata gastrik. So, tunggu la ubat gastrik daripada klinik tu berfungsi. Bila dah nak masuk hari ke tiga masih tak sembuh tapi bertambah teruk, maka kami pun segera la hantar ke hospital. Hantar ke hospital swasta sebab tak sanggup nak menunggu lama di GH. Kesian kat dia. Ahad hantar ke hospital, emergency punya doktor check, dia kata hempedu dah bengkak, terus admit ke ward. Petang tu doktor pakar pun datang. Memang aku ngan hubby ada kenal dengan sorang general surgeon, so terus request dia jer. Dia buat ultra sound, and confirm ada batu karang dalam hempedu. Ada dua biji yang besar. Diameter lebih kurang 17mm.

Doktor suruh puasa...x boleh makan...boleh minum air sikit2 jer sebab nak rehatkan hempedu tu. Tak nak kasi hempedu tu bekerja sebab dah terlalu bengkak. Kena tunggu bengkak kurang, baru boleh buat operation. Schedule operation Selasa atau Rabu. Isnin, aku pergi kerja dulu untuk settlekan apa-apa yang penting dan terus apply cuti sampai Khamis. Niat nak bantu jaga dia di hospital. Maklumlaa...hubby tak ramai adik beradik, and we all la yang paling dekat pun. Setakat apa yang mampu, kita tolong...jalankan tanggungjawab. Tapi...petang tu hubby call, dia kata doktor dah nak operate...tak boleh tunggu lagi. Aku sekadar tanya berita through phone jer la. Balik kerja, terus rushing ke Ayer Keroh...dengan masih beruniform aku ke hospital. Tengok2 dia baru masuk ward...Alhamdulillah dah boleh bercakap. Tapi tak boleh makan minum lagi. Yang penting pembedahan berjaya. Tak buat open surgery. Buat pembedahan laparoskopik kolesistektomi. Maksudnya, pembedahan yang masuk wayar kamera melalui lubang yang ditebuk di perut. Tak buat open surgery yang belah2 perut tu. Pak mertua aku ditebuk 4 lubang untuk surgery tu. Yang bagusnya cara nie, cepat sembuh, kurang rasa sakit. Batu karang yang dikeluarkan oleh doktor tu, ada laa suku botol. Ala botol yang sampel urine kat klinik kat hospital tu la.....
Untuk panduan, antara simptom penyakit nie ialah :
- Sakit macam gastrik : kembung, mual, angin dan sakit perut
- Sakit secara tiba-tiba, konsisten dan sederhana bertukar menjadi kesakitan yang teramat sangat di bahagian tengah dan kanan atas abdomen. Rasa sakit ini mungkin akan berlaku dari satu jam hingga ke dua jam selepas makan atau boleh juga terjadi pada waktu malam.
- Selalunya rasa sakit berlarutan dari 15 minit ke satu jam, bermula dari bahagian tengah dan kanan atas abdomen dan kemudiannya menular ke belakang atau bahu kanan.

Ini antara tanda-tanda awal. Kalau ada tanda2 lain mcm penyakit berlarutan sehari atau lebih, warna urine bertukar gelap, rasa loya dan muntah dan juga tanda-tanda jaundis ( kuning ), haruslah dapatkan rawatan kecemasan di hospital.

So, kita mcm mana? Sebab batu2 nie terbentuk bertahun-tahun lamanya. Kita selalu ingat kita nie gastrik, tapi entah2 batu tak? Na'uzubillah.....
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It's very difficult when you actually come to a decision in which have to put a stop to something which is wrong but you realize that the action means jeopardizing someone's future. You have this sympathy somewhere in heart and make you go jelly soft and dying to change back the decision. But that will means you are doing it wrongly for it will surely demotivates a lot more people around you.

Faham ke...entah laa... tapi rasa macam tu lah....
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Well..well...well... at last!! My waitings ended last nite. I went to watch the movie all by myself and I don't care if I have to go through all the troubles alone.'s not for Edward, nor for Jacob. It's mainly because I am really attracted to the story itself.

Anyway, I've been reading a few reviews and comments from those people who have watched this. But I would like to stick to my very own opinions. For those who haven't watch the movie and haven't had any chance to read the book, I'd be honoured to lay down before you the summary assuming that you have read and watched the first 2 books or movies.

Edward and Bella are happy together again. And this time the whole Cullen children are mingling together with other schoolmates. And BellaEdward relationship is not a secret anymore eventhough Bella's father would be very happy if Edward would disappear again and let Jacob be his son-in-law.

There is an army of a newborn vampires emerged from Seattle and somehow it worries the Cullen family. They do not want the Volturi to come down to Seattle and 'cleaned' up the mess and by chance would plan a surprise visit to Forks. So the Cullens plan that they themselves would try to 'clean' up the newborns before the Volturi could ever touch them. It's to secured Bella since the last meeting of the Volturi and Cullens, they promised Bella would be changed and obviously Bella is still standing with blood streaming down her veins. Surprisingly, Bella's house and room has been 'visited' by one of the vampires without any clear purpose or message. This incident gives another clue to the Cullens and Alice could 'see' that the vampires are going after Bella. But they couldn't relate Victoria into the picture eventhough now and then they would chase Victoria out of their territories.

For the sake of Bella's safety and her father, Cullens and the wolfpack collaborate and take turns to watch. When the Cullens go for 'hunting' Bella will be under the wolf's protection. Of course this is not an options that Edward likes, but this is the only option. Jacob however started aggresively and openly confessing his love to Bella. And one fine day, while strolling with Bella, he stole a kiss from Bella and this girl goes out of control and punch him in the face. He's a wolf, the punch was nothing at all, but Bella broke her hand. And guess what, Edward almost ripped Jacob with his teeth if Bella's father a few seconds late from attending to the quarrel.

Finally Bella found the answer of the new army that Victoria was all behind it. And Alice received the vision that all of the army has already made their move to Forks. They prepared and practiced together under the trainings of Major Jasper since he has wide experience trained newborn vampires army.
The day came. They fought fiercely and fastly and the scene was sooo fascinating. I'm not going to tell the details here...
The love story and the humor sneak in now and then, so it does give us enjoyment besides the tense.
My review :
- I don't know why, but I'm touched with Jacob's love towards Bella this time.
- I still think that Edward is a perfect guy
- This time, story concentrates on the vampires in which I dun get enough vampires from the last 2 movies. Jasper, Alice and Rosalie has been 'exposed' more compared to the earlier movies. And I really like Jasper this time. He shows the other side of him. Emerged from 'in pain' personnel in twilight to 'mood control' vampire in NewMoon and he's a real friend and leader this time. He really has this special charisma within him.
- I think Billy did good for being Charlie in this movie.
- I shed tears when Bella had conversation with her mother in Florida. Owwhh....that's just me.
- The scenery are awesome.
- Love the scene of 'showing off' Bella's love between Edward and Jacob when Edward pass Bella to Jacob for protection. It's hillarious!
- The fighting scene is a big success in Twilight series. David did a great job for being the director.
- Love the scene when Edward proposed to Bella with his mother's ring.
I love the whole movie.

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Ini recommendation aku untuk sesiapa yang suka makan nasi ayam Hainan. Kedai nie terletak dalam area Sg. Udang, Melaka. Kalau dari Melaka menghala ke Masjid Tanah, kedai nie seblah kanan dekat traffic light nak masuk ke Bertam yang ada Econsave baru tu.

So far, inilah kedai yang agak famous dan agak ramai orang datang makan. Cuma ada sesetengah Malays nie, diorang x leh terima sket Nasi Ayam Hainan nie sebab dah terbiasa dengan nasi ayam Melayu style. Takder apa yang different sangat la. A few differences tapi big different to them yang tak biasa. Differences nyer adalah seperti berikut:
1) Nasi nyer almost takder kaler sangat. Just a tint of yellowish jer..compared dgn sesetengah nasi ayam biasa tu kaler kuning.
2) Ayam kat sini dihidangkan dengan disusun atas hirisan timun dan dicurahkan kuah kicap cair dicampurkan dengan minyak bijan. Kalau nasi ayam Melayu kan ayam tu hidang atas daun salad di samping timun hiris. Kuah kicap pekat serve asing kan.
3) Cili nasi ayam nie, agak cair sikit. Cilinyer cili merah yang diblend dengan bawang putih dan halia yang banyak. Boleh tambah halia kalau nak. Rasanya pedas sikit-sikit and masam-masam sikit. Kalau Melayu punya, kuah cili tu dimasak pekat dan rasa manis-manis sikit.
Sup sama jer...tak ada beza pun.
Anyway..kedai nie sentiasa penuh dengan orang kalau time lunch hour. Memang tak ada jual lain..semata2 nasi ayam. Pilihan minuman pula air bali dan mata kuching. Air tak banyak choice sangat la kat sini.

Tapi we all satu family memang suka sangat makan kat sini. Nasi dia..perghhh...sangat harum dan sangat lembut. Healthy food la kat sini. Timun dia pun sangat crunchy.

Ini hidangan seekor ayam...perghh...

Tapi kedai nie, Sunday tutup yer.....

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Ni...esok kan weekend. Sajer laa aku nak share sikit port makan-makan kat melaka. Ini mengikut selera dan citarasa aku dgn hubby jer la yer. Orang lain semua selera dia tak sama. Anyway...kali nie nak bawak you all semua ke Medan Ikan Bakar Umbai. Pernah dengar tak? Insyaallah pernah dengar kan. Bukan yang terapung tu tau...dia masuk kat simpang seberang stesyen minyak Esso. Nak pergi ke Umbai nie..ada a few people ngadu kat aku seblom nie. Diorang kata x jumpa. Bila tgk signboard menghala ke Muar..diorang takut terlajak masuk ke Johor. Actually kalau dari bandar Melaka...memang kena ikut jalan menghala ke Muar. Kalau ikut jer menghala ke Muar tu, u won't miss port nie.

Kat medan nie, we all suka pergi kat kedai No. 5. Dah try a few kedai lain...tapi memang tetap stick kat sini. Apa yang menarik? Aku recommend sotong goreng tepung. Perghhhh.....sangat cruncy di luar tapi moist di dalam. Memang superb la. Lagi satu, kat Melaka nie, orang makan ikan bakar dengan nasi lemak. So u all akan dihidangkan dengan nasi lemak kecik2 tu. Makanlaa baper bungkus nak makan pun..janji bayar. Tapi kalau nak makan dgn nasi putih pun ok. Minta jer nasi problem. Jom layan gambar.

Inilah nasi lemak yang aku cakap tu. 50 sen.

Bawah nasi lemak tu ada ikan 3 rasa. Aku rasa ikan siakap la tu. Lupa dah. Sedap gak la. Bawah ikan tu pula butter prawn. Ha...siap alas daun pisang lagi. Rupa paras tak menarik sangat, tapi rasanya..mengancam youuu.

Yang nie...kupang sambal. Tak pedas sangat...dun worry. Makan sementara panas. Kalau dah sejuk...perut plak dah kenyang..alamat tersadai laa dalam pinggan.

Ini sambal kicap. Satu jer yang x baper best kedai nie..sambal kicap dia tak power. Aku selalu nak kena minta cili ekstra.... Orang yg tak makan pedas sangat tu..memang sesuai.
Tips nak makan ikan bakar nie ( walaupun x der langsung gambar ikan bakar kat atas tu..), perut biar lapo...tapi jangan kosong. Sbb kalau perut kosong...nnt x lalu makan sbb dah masuk angin..dah kena gastrik. Lagi satu....tolonggg lah jangan bedal nasi atau nasi lemak banyak sangat. Takat sebungkus dah ler...kalau bebanyak sangat...confirm x larat nak makan lauk pauk. And masa order tolong jgn extravaganza yer....sila kontrol nafsu anda. Bukan apa...sering kali terjadinya pembaziran kalau order ikut nafsu nie...
So...bila nak datang Melaka...?
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Aizdean...or nama dia Aizudin. A Malaysian student kat Tokyo yang minat menyanyi and suddenly...BOOM!!! dah jadi seorang penyanyi fames kat Jepun. Well...aku baca dalam sotkabar Utusan Malaysia arie nie.

Apa-apa pun...aku dah surf you tube and memang lagu2 dia bagus. Walaupun nyanyian dan suara dia sederhana...tak cemerlang sangat, tapi combination kualiti suara dengan lagu dengan personaliti dengan pelaburan recording company dia berjaya menimbulkan dia di khalayak industri muzik Jepun. Kesungguhan dia berusaha yang aku kagumkan. Dia bekas pelajar sekolah agama yang agak famous di Malaysia nie. Patutlaa tengok dalam video clip tu..dia macam ala-ala bersopan sket. Caya laa Aizdean. Since dah hidup and bergaul dengan Japanese, of course dia sangat fluent in Japanese language. In fact, cara duduk and cara cakap..even loghat pun dah sebijik mcm Japanese sampaikan Japanese semua tak tau pun dia nie bukan Japanese sehinggalah di announce kemudiannya yang dia sebenarnya Malaysian.

And....tulus dari hati..good luck with your tour and concert all over the world, Aizdean.
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