
Dear friends....

I am honoured to invite all of you for a Hari Raya gathering at my house on this coming Sunday dates 27th September 2009. Time will be from noon to evening. Address will be at Taman Bukit Emas, Alor Gajah, Melaka.

It's not really an open house, but its a gathering of friends and family only. Since I'm not always available, then me and hubby decided that we should call our friends to lighten up this year's Raya celebration together.

Kalau la saya. Jangan ilangkan fon number saya yer....

See you all then....

P/S : Darlina & Baya & Ita...... wa ada masak sambal goreng tawwww.....

2 thoughts..

nizamje berkata...

Thanks for the invitation.

Apologize I cant manage to come.

Anyway, "kulangwon, naturaken sedhoyo rapatan kulo laher baten puniki"

baya berkata...

jawohhh...kalo ko buat kat kl sah aku p serbu zila..