Scorpion In The House


Ever heard about this band named Scorpion? You like them?

Familiar with song entitled Wind Of Change?

 Well, is not about them.

This is about the reallll scorpion.

Real scorpion hubby caught in the house in Kuantan.

Scary huh....

It was this one night after a day at work. Hubby was about to take his shower when he suddenly see this scorpion crawling on the floor. Hubby caught the scorpion with my big tupperware (huwaaaaa...!!) and closed the lid.

We have no idea how this dangerous little thing could enter the house. The doors and windows are always being closed tightly. My guess, it probably crawled through an empty drainage hole and went straight into the second bathroom which is seldom being used. bad. I didn't closed the lid...uwaaaa....

Hubby brought the tupperware to his office and we would like to release it somewhere by the jungle, but my brother in law showed his interest. So, he kept the scorpion now as a pet. A pet..? Eaauuu....too scary for me.

But hey, in a pet shop, this type of scorpion is sold at a good price, you know....


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16 thoughts..

Anum berkata...

perghhhhhhhh nie kalau kena gigit

aizamia3 berkata...

Lepaskan lagi baik kot.. takpun bagi je kat pet shop..

Seri Kandi Tanah Jauhar berkata...

memang ada jual kat kedai cuma not sure lah kat kedai tu ada bisa lagi atau dah buang?? Jaga baik2 jgn smpi tlepas dlm umah, euuuuu, seriau i uuuuu...

Izwa Kamaruddin berkata...

uhhhh so scary okeh!!!

Unknown berkata...

pergh kak..tak sangka scorpion mmg wujud kat malaysia.. serius.. kalau lipan mmg saya pernah tengok..tapi scorpion mmg tak penah jumpa.. takutt..

lieyalatif berkata...

fuyoo kak, pakai tupperware je tangkap heheheeh..mmg hebat..seb baik abg akak perasan...kalo dibuatnyer terpijak tak memasal jek....takut plak lieya tgk...lieya dulu mase kat umah kg selalu terserempak ngan lipan, kala jengking ni jarang....

kak, nanti cite laa perkembangan terbaru die la kan dah jadi pet abg ipar akak....ape laa die nak bagi makan tu kan heheeheh

che mid berkata...

Oh anak akak Faris memang penggemar binatang exotic..dia pernah bela ular dan spider tau... boleh gang dengan adik ipar tu..

Kakzakie Purvit berkata...

So scary Ziela.. Remember during kakak childhood a group of boys played with this scorpion at the end one of them fainted and sent to hospital... Don't playful scorpion's venom can kill...

Rozita Ceritaita berkata...

kat rumah akak? bahayanya...

Bunda_nora berkata...

Ya Allah! bahaya ni...kalau bunda yang terjumpa tak tau nak cakap apa..

aby berkata...

salam aziela ..
watching Fear Factor Malaysia, all the participant have no fear with this so call scorpian ..
not bother at all, they treat the scorpian just like an ant ...

Wind of Change .. bring up memories when Russia is breaking up ..

Dr K berkata...

Syukur Alhamdullilah tak kena sengat!

Tapi..kawasan rumah ada scorpion??

As a pet, nak bagi dia makan apa? :)

Goreng pun sedappppp...kaya protein..wakakakaka

PetakBunga berkata...

try lah g jual..
mana tahu boleh beli tuperware btu.

Cho Zila berkata...

isyh menakutkanler.. dulu masa kecik2 selalu gak jumpa rumah kampungkan...

ellynadyra berkata...

aduhhh kak, nasib baik tak apa2 keluarga
kalau kena sengat bahaya nih
tutup semua lubang2 dan pintu2 bilik air ye
seram lak kak
take care kak

Unknown berkata...

besarnya, takut tengok!