Wedding Cousin 2


Ok now, at the groom's house. hall. We are village people...we have sufficient compound for the wedding. No garden wedding, but we had a blessed 'kebun' theme wedding.

The arrival..

Adam held the bunga manggar. shoes..!

The flower girls..

The silat demonstrator. He was from the Association of Helang Buana.

The kitchen people...the close relative

Kuih koci labu bersantan...highly recommended.

The dishes...nasi beriyani set

Bubur kacang hijau


The bride and groom's fish

Udang panjat nenas...perghhh

The wedding cake

Last but not least, the special char koay and potato spring counter...

Sorry for this veryy brief entry...
Enjoy the pics, all

8 thoughts..

Fazleyatul Aini berkata...

syoknya makan nasi kenduri
adeh lapar plak

Mrs Velentine berkata...

selamat pengantin baru..cantik baju flower girl...kuih koci tue mesti sedap kan kak

aizamia3 berkata...

Rindu dengan suasana kenduri di kampung kak.. ;)

Lee berkata...

Hi Aziela, I have always loved Malay weddings, and as mentioned by you "we are Village people", ha ha ha. Long ago when in my early teens would be invited to my Malay friend's sister or brother's wedding, and I guess I'm one of the very few Chinese who have carried that 'bunga mangga' wearing slippers like your Adam.

But I was not allowed to join in the kumpang group as I think a Lion dance drumming will not be appreciated at Malay weddings, ha ha ha.
Love the pics here, and the the way, nasi beriyani not on my food list, but love the rest.
First time I see udang panjat nanas...

Great pics, Aziela. Its pics like yours that brings back memories to me. Da tiga puluh tahun.
Its snowed whole of last night sini. Terok betul! Already Spring.
Have a great week.

makchaq berkata...

Kenduri kat rumah kat kampung jauh la lagi best dari kat hall ke hotel..
Boleh santai2 sedara mara..

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Salam azila..
Dah tamat baca semua over two weeks..
Mcm story book.
Anyway since future it company ni tak menentu..and boleh Di telangiectasia oleh big dinasihatkan azila print out the entries..In colour..scanned pdf. Keep soft copy.without the html..
Then print colours tu..incl. after edit words etc...
So boleh lah bind nicely and print a nice cover ..Buat macam thesis gitu.
Buat la 2 ke 3 copies. So that bila Adam besar skit boleh dia baca. Since your family units are not that big.. so at least ada somtg peristiwa yg ada. Boleh la Adam baca..
Saya borak dgn arwah mak. Ingat semua bila dia meninggal lupa semua orang ..benda berlaku etc.nama..
So best bukan sekarang. Kena painkillers? Google ni business it. So bila meerkat making kisses dia buat cut so server dikurangkan. Kalau dia rasa tak nak spend money on additional server..dia delete je the past 5 years punya data.
Plus some country have 5 years statutory limitation. .so after that they can dispose of data.etc.
Also now with merely Kena benarkan access kerja an negara bar at boleh buka email semua meerkat Akan kemaskinikan old data ..mana yg boleh dibuang bang. So kurang hassle ..
Lagi Satu Google ni kalau Kena telan merger.. server pun affected.
So it will not be forever la online.
Now Co say a pakai server mereka utk business operation. Masalah betul. Also at time operation Dan back office pun affected bila semua few thousands access online at the same time. Data migration banyak email database Hilang in space. Amazing..

So bila Di baca say a lihat banyak gamba keluarga ada..tempah Dan peristiwa. So pls do hard copies for Adam and you all duduk duduk berborak Dan baca bersama.dgn Adam Dan husband la..


ellynadyra berkata...

udang panjat nenas paling win!

ain zulkarnaind berkata...

sedap tgk kuih koci tuuu

mengidam terus heeeeee