Busy week....

( Me with Yana, the bakal pengantin )

Kelmarin, ada kejadian malang yang berlaku.... Aku jatuh masuk dalam longkang depan opis.....tidaaakkkkk!!!!! Terseliuh laa buku lali sebelah kanan. Kanannnnn plak tu. Mcm mana nak bawak kereta...???

Anyway, semalam dah mintak tolong sorang cleaner Indon urutkan. Mak aiihhh, sakitnyerrrr..... Menjerit2 la jugak sepanjang sesi urutan tu. Sakit giler beb. Nak buat macam mana kan...nak baik punya pasal.

On the same day I fell, I received news from sis that Adam has fever. Alamak...Adam has fever...he has fever...what about his tonsil?? He's actually fragile, but he doesn't want to admit that. What to say....he's just a kid. Told him already...cannot play directly under the sun...can not drink cold water...no ice cream, no peanuts....no aircond. But he just doesn't care. So, today is Friday already. Can't wait to go back to meet him. Miss him so much and worry so much. After work, straight to Sepang, to bro's house, fetch my cousin and drive to PD. Then send cousin to his house, fetch Adam and straight to Malacca. I promised hubby to cook bolognese spaghetti tomorrow. Since Adam is not well, I think it is the right choice. Adam lovessssss pasta sooooo much. Even if we bring him to dine in at Renaissance for buffet dinner, he will fill up his plate with pasta..and pasta and pasta only. Let the ice creams and cakes stay on the counter....he won't bother.

This week has been a heavy week for me. Jobs...jobs..jobs....And guess what...next week will be heavier for me.

To friends, you all are kindly invited to attend my sister's wedding in PD on 23/3/2008. Datanglah...jalan-jalan ke PD. And, because of that wedding, I'll be on leave from next week's Wednesday until 24th March. Adoiiii....another tiring week. Hopefully I can fullfill my responsibility perfectly for the wedding. To Yana, this is the least I can do. Hope you will be showered with happiness in your marriage life.

To Quniey...my dear friend, Congratulations!!!! Dah dapat baby nie, can join in our Mom's Club...hehehheheh.


2 thoughts..

DD berkata...

wahhhhhh dapat jugak aku tgk yana....

cousin aku kawen 22hb....

SN berkata...

fuhhh penat aku baca...apaalagi rasa..slamat berjuang!!!

Kirim salam kat yana n cakap slamat pengantin baru kat dia..

kalau tak da hal ada geng bole la kot aku pi....apa2 aku bgtau la..