Healthy Lunch

This was one of my healthy lunch when I was so determine to cut down my carb. The beans, slices of carrots and capsicums baked for 2 minutes with sprinkles of pepper. I complimented this with the Spicy Chicken Sambal. Ohhh... I can't live without eating spicy food. It went well. But sadly, I didn't stick to that routine. If only I stick to it, I may have half down to my desired weight. Sigh... Why is it so hard to keep up the discipline anyway...?

4 thoughts..

niesz berkata...

niesz pun nk diet la mcm ni..ehe..

Muhamad Zulazwan Bin Chukop berkata...

mmg makanan yang sihat sesuai untuk diet...:8)

Aziela berkata...

niesz, nak diet buat apa la awak nie...selim melim lagi tu ha.... akak nie..mcm dh beranak 10...hahahhaha

Aziela berkata...

AJ, mmg menu sihat...tapiiii dpt berthn 2-3 hari tu jer la.... lepas tu dh mula lupa diri semula... Mcm masa kat campus dulu lainlaa... hostel ke kelas punya laa jauh2. Tambah x mcm yg AJ dok skang...dulu time akak mcm pdg jarak pdg terkukur. Punyalaa panas. Tp yg bagusnya dpt exercise tetiap hari....