This Is THE DAY!


Today is the day. The official screening for Twilight Series starts tonite in Malaysia. I am obesessed with this story. It's not a novel, it's not a movie, but to me it's simply a story of life which is extremely fascinating.

At first, I like Twilight movie which has been blogged by my friend, Dd. I read her entry and I googled it. I found Stephanie Meyer's page. She's the author of the novel. I fell in love with her writings. I felt so close to her and I believe she does her magics in the books too.

I bought the DVD and watched the movie. Oh was so alluring.. (Fine, I felt like that, ok). Then it was the time when I realize I am kind of obsessed with the story. So I bought the book. Owh..I can't afford to buy the whole set. So, I bought New Moon first because I watched Twilight, so I thought it was the summary of the book. But when they release the sequel of Twilight, New Moon, I realize the book and movie was not telling exactly the same story. But I can't wait to know what's the end. So I bought Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Only when I finished the last serial, the Breaking Dawn, that I bought the Twilight novel.
Confused? That's fine. I am not doing a lecture on Twilight subject here. Just a pinch background of the relationship between me and Twilight.

And tonite is a night to be missed? Not at all!. I watched New Moon quite late because hubby was not really a fan of Twilight. So, I watched it from DVD only and it was totally an unpleasant experience. Thus, I watched the Eclipse alone at movie theatre when other audiences came with couples and friends and family and keep on throwing the silent question looks at me. I didn't give that a damn care. I paid for my ticket and this is my fav story. And I enjoyed the movie so much and felt so satisfied and proud of myself because for once I successfully being selfish.

For tonite. It's school holiday and my Adam is as eager and as obsessed as me to watch the story. He is in my team. Team Edward. Yeahh! The bonus point, tonite I'll bring my couple.

We'll be watching it in Alamanda tonite. I got the very front row seats because it was fully book since early morning of Tuesday online and I went to buy it from the counter only last nite. I don't care, as long as I'll be in the hall.

I'll tell about the story in my next entry....

Oh, for those who are wondering what is so special about this story that many girls and ladies all over the world are freaking all out about, please read it HERE...

** All pictures credited to

4 thoughts..

Marina berkata...

hari ni nak gi beli tiket....yeay!!

che mid berkata...

have a pleasant viewing..

☆♥L@dy @yU♥☆ berkata...

jelezzzz nak tengok gak
japan lambat sket sebab theyols kena tukaq sora etc....nangess frust

RamRamCute berkata...

SERONOKNYA...... Tak sabar pulak saya nak tengok.