The Long Unhealthy Absents


I actually have not touched the computer since last Friday. Started shivering out of nowhere in the morning and fever touched me at night. Tonsils started to take effect the next day. Adoii...swallowing and sleeping were tough.

After 2nd round of antibiotics, I am trying to stand back to the fullest.

Cough! Cough!

P/S : Sebab tebang pokok ker..?

7 thoughts..

☆♥L@dy @yU♥☆ berkata...

Poor u sis
Get well soon
Get some rest oke TC

luddin berkata...

kak...rasanya sakit tu takde kaitan dengan tebang pokok!

Get Well Soon!

Kakzakie Purvit berkata...

Sedang kena uji tu Aziela..
As long you take the medication prompt insya-allah recover soon..

aby berkata...

Kesambet while cutting the tree tu kot..,
Who knows, misteri nusantara

NzA berkata...

take care dear...moga cpt smbuh.

MY berkata...

jemput masuk =

Rozita Ceritaita berkata...

kak... cara hilangkan batuk yang senang..

rendam kayu manis dlm air panas..
biar suam2 kuku..
letak sesudu teh madu..
kacau n minum...
inshaaAllah tak perlu ubat batuk lagi dah..

boleh juga amalkan selalu..