Dinner at Swiss Garden, Kuantan


Hmm...Thursday today, rite? Explanation for WW yesterday's pic.

That picture was taken weeks before Ramadhan. We were there for hubby's membership matters. After he finished his matter, we took a break and had drinks at the lounge. Enjoying the pool's view and sea breeze.

Then we realized, hubby being the member of it's vacation club and Swiss Garden is so near to his place in Kuantan, we seldom take the opportunity to enjoy the benefit. Always our yearly room entitlement will be vanished without utilisation. It's simply because of the time limitation that we have. Plan to utilise it at certain dates, then it passed. Change to another date, suddenly it expired... sob..sob... Being in close relation with big family, we always have to fulfill demands, invitations and responsibilities. That has taken up so much of our private family life.

Thus, we tried to cheer up Adam during the fasting month. We made booking for the breakfasting dinner buffet. Too bad, membership discounts were not in place. Well, it's ok. The price was reasonable, though. It was about RM50 something... Still cheaper than a lot of other offers in Klang Valley area.

Adam with his name printed. Hahahahha. He looks happy, right?

I was definitely happy...

Food ready, drinks ready...waiting for Azan Maghrib. 

Proudly presenting..... Adam's plate!

He always fancy Europeans food. This one was a kind of pie I can't remember the name. 

Adam controlling smile by his beloved papa. 

Owh, they have Mieng Kham here. I got excited. As usual, this salad is soooo good. 

I tok the rice dish. Ikan patin tempoyak, squid in sambal and a spoon of beriyani. Patin was ok, but I still prefer Akob's (Please search within my entries about Akob Ikan Patin). The squid sambal was nice. Not too hot and it tastes exactly like your home cooked meal. 

All of the above were selected by hubby and Adam. The grill lamb, various of ikan bakar, curries and many other. Knowing that they will go beyond the tummy limitations because of fasting, I sat quietly on my chair and observeeee. Hehehehehhe. If it's me, I would prefer to tried out small portion of each dish and then repeat any dish that we want. But when our table have been filled with variety of food, I have no choice. I got to help them to finish it. It's definitely not a good deed wasting food especially during holy month of Ramadhan. 

This time, his papa forced him to pose again. 

The lamb something...something. I can't remember, but it was nice. 

The fried koay tiaw...So and so. Not really outstanding.

I was ok with the food variety. The taste was good, as usual. Swiss Garden has always make sure their restaurants serve good quality of food for all its hotels. Thus, I have no complaints. The prayer room was nice, no complaint. And the restaurant's set-up was ok. Not really crowded plus you enjoy the pool's scenery.

Next aim is to really spend a night here without interruption of any matters. I want to sit at the balcony and read, I want to swim without the lifeguard monitor me closely because I don't wear the swimming suit and I want to sleep soundly.


26 thoughts..

NzA berkata...

wow byknyaaaaa.....semua sedap2...
Habis ke adam makan tu???/

aby berkata...

Swiss garden resort yg kt beserah tu ke,
Pernah juga stay kt sana, dlm thn 2009 mcm tu.. A sweet n luvly place for a vacation

lieyalatif berkata...

wow meriahnye menu kak....mieng kham tu dah due tiga kali lieya tgk kat blog sape2...rase sedap tak kak ....lieya rase bolehmkn kot sbb lieya suke salads ngan ulam2....

kesoma rai berkata...

akak!! i was practically drooling while reading ur post.. hahaha..

RamRamCute berkata...

awak!! pagi-pagi dah ada hidangan makanan yang sungguh meriah dan sedap-sedap...camne saya nak berdiet ni..nafsu makan semakin membuak2...huaaa...nak puasa pun kelaut dah!!!

Kakzakie Purvit berkata...

Full with variety food!!
Then only kakak know Adam's name. Adam is only his nickname - goodness:)

sekadar satu coretan berkata...

meriahnya makanan...
mieng kham sedap ke...tak pernah rasa lagi...

t.a.t.a berkata...

What was the name plat for? Untuk reservation eh?

aizamia3 berkata...

macam menarik mieng Kham tu.. teruja nak mencubanya.. ;)

Seri Kandi Tanah Jauhar berkata...

haaaaa.. ni salah satu tempat kegemaran akak bila sampai Kuantan ni, hihi

Lee berkata...

Hi Aziela, Waaa, so much food you guys makan? Looks really sedap too.
Nice pic of you, hubby and boy. He's good looking too.

Ahhh, ok, I now be knowing apa tu 'WW', ha ha. Ok, da tau mana tu Swiss garden....
I used to stay at either Hyatt or Merlin. And will petang jalan to Telok Chimpedak makan Malay food, have ice kachang chendol or ayer kelapa.

Then kalau tada ahemm, a sarong partner, I duduk order iced coffee, isap rokok admire the ladies walking by. Then 9pm balek hotel do homework.
Oh ya, I used to go fishing for Toman at that big Tasek sebelum sampai Kuantan....A Malay pakcik fisherman will take us in his boat go deeper into the tasek. Can get lost there too.
And my biggest Toman caught there was 30 pounds!

And there were few times landed at Kuantan airport in our Corporate jet.
I remember along the way to airport lots of roadside shops selling durians, all kinds of fruits.
Also used to buy fresh crabs dekat Cherating when on my way home from Trengganu.
Ok, your posting refreshed my memories, ha ha.
Have a nice day, have fun and selamat hari Merdeka.

Unknown berkata...

Insyaallah akak....you have been fullfilling your duties to the max....one day you will get the vacation you needed hehe :)

Tanpa Nama berkata...

mmg terbaik sungguh ler !

Aziela berkata...

@NzA Nampak jer macam banyak kak. Tapi sebenarnya setiap pinggan tu ambik ciput2 jer. Kami share semua food tu dan memang itu jer lah satu round. Puasa, manalah nak makan banyak.

Aziela berkata...

@aby Ha, yang tu lah kang. Memang sweet kan.

Aziela berkata...

@lieyalatif Lieya mesti boleh makan punya. Kat Chakri Express Alamanda tu, sedap Lieya. Nanti search keyword Alamanda kat blog akak nie. Akak ada review dulu

Aziela berkata...

@kesoma rai Opsss...sorry dear. Hehehehe. Nasib baik bukan Ramadhan dah kan.

Aziela berkata...

@RamRamCute Tak per, awak senang nak turun berat. Pulun jer wak..hehehehe

Aziela berkata...

@Kakzakie Kakak...Adam is his name. Mohd Saiful Adam...hehehehe.

Aziela berkata...

@Ain Noraini Sedap Kak Ain. Kat Alamanda ada. Nanti search dalam blog nie yer. Saya ada review.

Aziela berkata...

@t.a.t.a Yeap, reservation. Hehehehe

Aziela berkata...

@aizamia3 Kat Alamanda ada. Nanti search review akak yer.

Aziela berkata...

@Seri Kandi Tanah Jauhar Best kan kak...

Aziela berkata...

@Uncle Lee Lee dear...tq for coming.

In a way, I have to agree with you. So much food. I didn't really enjoy it because it's too much. My boy was actually having fun picking up plates from the counters. He learned his lesson, though. Oh, tq for the compliments.

Hyatt is still there, Lee. But Merlin is no more, I guess. Telok Chempedak has new looks too. The ayer kelapa and chendol and ice kacang in which we call it ABC ( Air Batu Campor ) are all available there. Come back here, I bring you stroll at the beach with ABC.

30 pounds Toman? That's reallyyyy big. That's more than 10kg. I know which tasek you are referring to. Tasik Chini, right? Surely we can got lost in it. It's being divided into 12 sections now.

You miss Malaysia Lee. Come back here during winter in Toronto. All of your fans here will be lining up to meet you.

You stay gentleman, ok.

Aziela berkata...

@Azham Vsvc Thank you Azham. I wonder when it will be. Maybe I have to wait for another 20 years time. Huhuuhu

Aziela berkata...

@Kesuma Angsana Oh, terima kasih.