Fine Dining at Crocodile Rock, Kuantan


Phew, this few weeks have been rocking my life both personally and in career as well. Well, busy is good, right? It is a sign that you are in need in both area.

So, after few serious entries, let's take a break. Break means foooooood. Yieehaaaa....!

There is a restaurant in Kuantan called Crocodile Rock. It is a a reserved environment. It as an old bungalow house being transformed into a restaurant. So, basically you will feel as if you are eating at home but with good food and waiters to serve you. Adam was happy when we brought him here last time.

This entry consists of pictures and our experience from all of the visits we had there. Sort of like a compilation of food from Crocodile Rock restaurant.

Basically, the western foods are the most sought after by the customers. Why? Ok, let me explain that....

One of our starters, was this Nachos Cheese. It's crispy, crunchy, but yet smothered with preheated melted cheese and mixed with some fresh tomatoes and cucumbers salsa. And wait, you have a big full scoop of ice cream on top of the dish as the bonus.
I love this dish sooo much. If you are not in a hurry, try this dish over your relax conversation with friends, or just to be enjoyed by you while reading your favourite book.

Oh yes, we have one more starter dish. The wild mushroom soup with toasted garlic bread. It was nice, but I would prefer the wild mushroom soup from the East Grill restaurant in Jalan Beserah. However, this mushroom soup is definetely not a disappointed dish. So, no worry ya...

This is Salmon Steak. Usually this is among my favourite dish. But, I like to choose the Dauphonoise as the side dish rather than the potato fries or whipped potato. Dauphonoise is layers of sliced potatoes baked with sour cream and lots and lots of cheese. Oh my, it's a truely food satisfaction in that side dish. The soft baked chunks of potato slices, the melted cheese, the sour cream to balance the fatty taste..are a real hook for my tastebud.

Not to mention the salmon. Though the salmon quality is not from the high grade, but the freshness is outstanding. And you eat the salmon with a fresh pool of vegetables salad. Yummy and yet you do not feels guilty and worry for your calories intake.

This is the popular spagheti bolognese in which will tempts hubby usually. Though it is soo delicious, but for me, it is overpowered by other dishes. Hahahahaha....maybe I think I can cook the same level of bolognese at home.

Adam would always choose carbonara. The pasta will be spaghetti. So, seafood creamy carbonara spaghetti will always make him happy all the time. Easy to be satisfied. Good boy. 

We tried these olio spaghetti once. We both shared this one plate. And surprisingly, it carries sort of uniquely delicious flavour. It invites you to dig you fork in the dish and twirl the fork and fish out the pasta with its treasures. And you do not know when to stop. Amazing, right?

This is among the dish that hubby likes. The kebab. They have two long skewers. One is the seafood based kebab and another one is the poultry based kebab. Eaten with its special creamy dippings, this dish is ok for me. 

I had this craving for tenderloin steaks once, so we rushed to this place. Look at the steak. It is huge! The portion could be for 2 persons, but I managed to finish it....with help from hubby. Hehehehe. It is soooo tasty. The char (grilled) smell was soo nice it makes you drooling instantly and yet the meat was really tender and juicy. Again, I had the Dauphonoise with it. 

Look at the Dauphonoise. The layers on potato slices, the cheese, the creams...oh oh.

Look at the steak chunks. You can even see the tenderness of the meat.

Last but not least, the desert. They have ice creams, they bread puddings, they have some other choices, but we tried this. The pan pizza of banana. It's sweet with banana, with cream and with chunky nuts. You can see the chocolates, rite? Yeap, it's a perfect closure for your dinner. Only that I don't really fancy sweet food, so this dish is more for Adam's and hubby's enjoyment. 

Ok friends, for the price. Undeniable. It is indeed pricey. The standard of the fine dining costs. Usually for our small family, it will reach almost RM200.00 sometimes. So, save this for special occasion, for special people in your life. And yes, you is your special person too. 



14 thoughts..

che mid berkata...

YESS..i am special to myself too..oh sedapnya...tapi bila pulak na pi kuantan niiiii

☆♥L@dy @yU♥☆ berkata...

Yeahhh cuti means jejln carik makan loikee
Ni western rest ekk kaka❓
Lapaq tgk memlm gmbq ni

Lee berkata...

Hello Aziela, wow! I love this place. You think they give special discounts to retired buayas? Ha ha ha.
I can see you live to eat. Bukan macham saya, eat to live.

The pics of the food you put up here, tengok malam tidur susa datang.That tenderloin steak...WhooooWeeee!
And the kebah ehbub! Wow! Lepas makan tali pinggang da tentu tolak lepan tiga lobang. Ha ha.
Then must go walk walk kat Telok Chimpedak...

Incidentally, saya dengar burong kata hari raya ta'lama akan datang...Kalau senang drop by my pondok...saya ada keluarkan banyak food, kueh recipes can impress your MIL, kawan2...get them all shook up! Guarantee hubby makan will be singing, "One night with you"!

Have a great week and simpan satu lagu dalam hati.
PS You ada pernah tengok Mat Sallehs Male and female duduk bicycle bogel? Tutup satu mata tengok, ha ha ha.

Unknown berkata...

tengok benda makan makan kat blog akak memang membuatkan saya dok teringin reward anak dengan makan makan jugak..haha

t.a.t.a berkata...

As someone ever said to me, busy is good, and bila hati tak tenang also good. Because when hati kita tak tenang, kita akan ingat Allah dan secara tak langsung akan menguatkan mental kita dalam menerima dugaan dari nya.

aizamia3 berkata...

sesekali rewards untuk diri dan family tentu saja akan meninggalkan moment yang indah untuk dikenang.. ;)

ellynadyra berkata...

nak note tempat ni
nampak menu semua sedap2
nachos tu nampak penuh cheese....salmon tu nampak sedap, steak yang tebal dan juicy

Aziela berkata...

@che mid Indeed kak... Meh....serang Kuantan meh.

Aziela berkata...

@☆♥L@dy @yU♥☆ Western rest dik... oishiii na...

Aziela berkata...

@Shane Hahahha.... no la...not live to eat. It's just part of the world's fascination that we should enjoy.

Lee...itu actions on the bicycles are censored la in this blog...hahahha... not..can not...

Aziela berkata...

@Rai Ourkizuna Salah satu cara untuk santai jer Rai...

Aziela berkata...

@t.a.t.a I have nothing else to say. Semuanya betul.

Aziela berkata...

@aizamia3 Part of it la kan Ai...

Aziela berkata...

@elly nadyra Sedapppp. Bila nak datang Kuantan, Elly?