I Had A Car Accident....


Last 2 weeks, Malaysians were enjoying a one day off for Wesak day. Hubby was working since his company doesn't take in Wesak as the PH. But hubby was not well since Sunday. So, I asked him whether he would like me to be with him during the PH. He refused. His reasons, he will be working so he won't be spending time with me and it would be better if I could spend time with Adam back in PD. Thus, I obeyed him.

Still, I was worry about hubby. On the afternoon of Wesak day, I asked him again. His conditions was not better. And he sounded weak. But he insists that he was ok. Fine, I stayed in PD.

But at 8.00pm, hubby called me. He was really sick. I got worried. The moment he called me, I was on my way to the town with Adam to do some adhoc shopping. I still went to the nearest shop and grab Adam's things for school and drove back to home and packed my bag. I left home in PD around 9.30pm.

I was tired and wasn't able to rest that day. So, my driving ability decreased after 2 hours. I stopped at Muadzam gas station and took a nap at 12.00am. I realized that it will do no good if I continue to drive. I should take smart precaution. Safety comes first.

I forced myself to wake up one hour later and continued my journey slowly since I was still tired and sleepy. But my thoughts on hubby kept me going.

By 2.30 am, after passing by the river bridge across Sg Pahang after Paloh Hinai, the road was empty. A total silence and was extremely dark. I was going at around 90-100km/hour. Once in a while there will be lorries from the other directions. A few minutes later, I saw a big dog...really big with the size of almost a young bull crossing road in front of me. It was sooo fast and he was soo near ahead. The dog had a long bushy tail with thick fur with grey and black color. IYes, I still remember it clearly because I wanted to make sure that it was a dog and not a wild boar.

I stepped on my brake, but I didn't step it all down. I made about 70% from the total brake. I did it for several reasons. First, my car was at a high speed and it is a national car. My ABS system was not entirely reliable at that speed. I was afraid that the car could rolled over badly on the road if I step on the break 100%. Secondly, the car might have drifted to the side of the road and it was so dark that I wouldn't know what danger awaits me at the road side. Could be trees, could be cliff or it could be big rocks. It could brings more damage to the car, and maybe to my life.

So I hit the dog.

I didn't stop. I didn't look at the dog and I do not know whether the dog is still alive or not. It was too dark and the road was too quite and empty. Too dangerous for a lady driver like me to step out from my car at that hour, at that situation. So I kept on driving for another 10km with the dragging sounds that I didn't know what until I found a tom yam shop was still operating. I stopped in front of the shop to take a look at the damages.

My front bumper was damaged at the left side. It broke into pieces. A boy and a girl from the tom yam shop came to me. I explained what happened and the boy helped to discard any unwanted dangling pieces including the fog lamp hanging on a piece of wire since the casing at the skirting has flew along the way.

I thanked the boy and girl, and continued my journey. I reached hubby around 3.30 am and found that hubby was flaming hot. I attended him and waited for a while.  I parked my damaged car at the porch and transferred all my begs and belongings to his car. At 5.00 am I drove his car to the clinic. His fever was high. The doctor would like to send him to the hospital, but hubby refused. We promised to take a good care on his fever. We left the clinic around 6.00 am and stopped by at a restaurant for breakfast. Hubby needs to eat and consume his medication.

After breakfast, I drove straight to office in KL to pick up my office mate and we went to Bangi for a seminar. I spent the whole day working and hubby took some rest. I forced him to have lunch with me at the seminar cafe and make sure he eats and rest.

I had loads of work to do that week. With hubby still in fever and me as the generator to move the company's activities and meetings, I did manage to juggling things between formal and personal. Weekend was heavy as well. There was a kenduri at Mommy's house. Though we ordered the food from a caterer, but still there was a lot to do.

But by Sunday, I was proud of myself. I managed to settle everything though I need to sacrifice my rest, my sleeps, my health and even my safety. Alhamdulillah. I completed my job, hubby is back to good health again and I have attended my Mommy as well. I am still here standing. I hope I will be standing strong until I've fulfilled all my responsibilities. Until there's no one need me anymore.

Insya Allah....

Note : The car has been repaired by hubby colleague in Kuantan. He charged me with cheap price, Alhamdulillah.


13 thoughts..

Farah Waheda Wahid berkata...

Alhamdulillah, luckily nothing bad happened to you sis... Be careful next time...

Seri Kandi Tanah Jauhar berkata...

Alhamdulillahhhhhh.. syukur Ziela tak apa2.. akak kagum sungguh dgn semangat yg Ziela ada. Ziela seorang yg sgt profesional. Mudah2an Ziela akan mendapat ganjaran yg setimpal atas apa yg Ziela lakukan untuk kerjaya dan keluarga.

Abam Kie berkata...

Thank God, you did not get any injury.

Izwa Kamaruddin berkata...

alhamdulillah takde yg serius...

Kakzakie Purvit berkata...

Luckily accident happened when you are alone. Worried if someone together may bump forward when you make an emergency break...

Alhamduillah settled all.

luddin berkata...


Dr K berkata...

u are indeed, a superwomen kak! Seriously!

A very good idea to ram straightaway at the dog...kalau brek, mmg bahaya..

Teruk juga damage nya..
The next morning, without proper rest/sleep, u still able to drive back to KL, then attend a seminar? That's why I called u, Superwomen! :)

NzA berkata...

Alhamdulillah aziela xde apa2.....yg pnting selamat...duit boleh dicari. Tapi teruk jugak kereta tu.

kakrose berkata...

alhamdhulillah..Aziela tak apa2..

gadisBunga™ berkata...

i am proud of u kak. not all lady can face and do these kind of stuff, and still standing strong.


(things happened kak, i understand. we hit a dog as well while on the way to miri from bintulu, just we got lucky because we were on a pickup truck!)

aby berkata...

salam aziela .
in the middle of the nite, a vise decision not to stop on that loneiy and scary road ..
who knows that the dog was a warewolf ..
angger mentu engko dhadhi medhi ..

OKje berkata...

Wah....salutenya ngan Aziela drive sesorang ....mlm gelap gulita pulak tu.... Eksiden pulak tu....harus menggigil sepanjang perjalanan tu kalau okje.....

Etha Bahrom berkata...

aiyo zilaaaaaa....take care ye.

U r really a Iron Lady. Tak semua orang boleh buat apa yang awak buat.