This Is Not Easy....


The management has spoken.
I have to produce a list.
Oil and gas industry is terribly bad.
We need to do everything that could be done to survive, including as per the above.
I feel very bad.
Some have just bought new houses...
Some have just graduated...
Some have just got married or getting married next week...
And I have to pull off their life support in this difficult situation.

I feel sooooo bad...

I have to propose different methods to help the company..
I have to be creative...
I have to help as much as possible...

I need strength...


13 thoughts..

Kakcik Seroja berkata...


Allah sahaja yang tahu, kan?

babYpose berkata...

Salam Aziela, tak sanggup kan..kesian tak kira yang baru nak mula hidup atau beranak pinak, yoo are in hard position. Baru tahu bukan senang jadi orang dalam. Sedih kedua dua pihak.

Omong Mak Long..... berkata...

Saat begini amat mencabar minda yang bertanggung jawab. Pernah Mak Long mengalami keadaan sebegitu... Semuga Aziela dapat menyelesaikan sebaik mungkin.. Muga berjaya.

luddin berkata...

Kak...ekonomi memang mencabar kan tahun 2016...especially oil n gas industry!!

mama eija berkata...

Allahuakbar.. Moga Allah permudahkan urusan sis aziela

Seri Kandi Tanah Jauhar berkata...

sukarnya membuat keputusan.. kerana terpaksa perlu jua direlakan....

Arysa Nasir berkata...

i guess alternative should be considered instead of just terminating people. I read somewhere, reducing pay or allowance would do little help to company... Semoga Allah permudahkan semuanya utk sis, the people, company as well for Malaysia.

suziana mohd tahir berkata...

Nabi SAW bila terdapat apa-apa masalah sahaja pasti baginda akan segera mendahulukan solat sunat 2 rakaat. Mengadu di situ..Mohon sangat-sangat pada Allah SWT..Kerana di situ terdapatnya bantuan Allah..ada penyelesaiannya..ada jalan keluar..ada jawapannya..Cubalah dan yakinlah..InshaAllah..

siti hazreen berkata...

Ya Allah kesiannya...mudah2an ada jalan lain selain dari pecat pekerja huhu

Ujie Othman berkata...

Susahnya kan..
Alternatif yg ada, kurangkan masa kerja dan benefit bg yg nak terus kekal.

Lydia Miza berkata...

Sgt takut. Kami laki bini pun agak kecut perut ni. Last year shell pindahkan cawangan ke india brp ramai yg hilang kerja. Ada yg cuma ada satu rumah saja br beli banglo berjuta. Mmg terduduk nk bayar. Ni.. Mana yg kontrak habis dibuang sikit2 nk kurangkan belanja. Yg mana kekal pun ni terkesan gak sbb kemudahan perubatan dll dipotong juga. Moga Allah murahkan rezeki kita semua..

Lee berkata...

Hello Aziela, this is always the regrettable, sad part of being a boss...
And I do not envy you. Its going to be a malam tadur susa datang agony of who you going to let go. Yes, many will end up in serious debt. Homes, marriages might be affected.

What about compensation? Or the company seeking other alternatives for them? Or the company taking a pay cut from the top down? To save the employees.

Maybe first check out what can be sacrificed, i.e. cutting down travelling expenses, food allowances, company cars, no bonus, bosses take a 10 or 20% pay cut, leading the way. Check out where other expenses can be cut, stationery, gas for vehicles, overtime, giving early retirement to those seniors.

You'll be surprised if you go thru with a magnifying glass where you can cut out or save, and for every bit you save or improvise, maybe saving the job of an employee.

I have gone thru this few times in the past. Sat down with the accountants, managers, how much can be saved if letting go loyal employees, VS cutting down on company's expenses.
Went thru with a tooth comb comparing total salaries or remuneration VS if cutting down, eliminating company's whatever not important. Even sold off several company vehicles, assets, etc....

As to me, people, employees welfare more important. I took a 30% pay cut, my managers 15% and 20%. No bonus, no business entertainment.
Its the employees who make a company, not the company make employees.
And yes, I did have to let go but just a few rather a hundred! And the few, I rang up companies I knew if they any vacancies to take my that few.
Malam tidur senang sikit.
Best regards,

zoul dahan™ berkata...

Teringat masa gawat 1997-1998.
Kena ikat perut.
Masa itu baru kerja kat JB.
Mileage tak dapat claim.
On call tak boleh claim.
Hidup makan gaji pokok sahaja.

Kereta baru beli masa tu.
Interest 7%.
Anak sulung baru lahir pulak tu.
Besar dugaannya masa itu.
Tapi kami survived.

Semoga ada jalan dan kekuatan untuk Aziela mengharunginya.