Selamat Hari Raya 2019

Assalamualaikum and a good day to everybody...

Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf zahir dan batin...

Sadly, I can't celebrate the first day raya with family this year. Hubby was given leave only during the first day raya. It's impossible for us to balik kampung within one day time. Journey from Kuala Terengganu to Melaka or N.S. will take at least 8 hours. Thus, we celebrate it together husband n wife in Kuala Terengganu.

Adam has balik kampung 2 weeks ago since the school holiday started. We thought we would follow through. But who knows hubby's employer cancelled all leave applications due to urgent work.

Thus, it was just both of us this year. 

Me at the jetty in Kuala Besut..

We fulfilled a couple of invitations from hubby's colleagues, and off to Kuala Besit to kill some times...

Anyway, I will be going back to work in PD for the whole of next week. So, ok laa.. better late than never...

Selamat Hari Raya alls....


2 thoughts..

Seri Kandi Tanah Jauhar berkata...

Alhamdulillah, tidak berseorangan pakcik tu raya di Ganu tahun ni, bayangkan kalau Ziela pun ikut Adam balik Melaka?? Nangislah pakcik tu nanti, hihi

Aziela berkata...

Seri Kandi : Betul kak...hahahha. Walhal saya cuti lama raya tu dan memang dah ada di kg pun. Walaupun dia izinkan, saya tak sampai hati pula nak tinggalkan pakcik tu beraya sensorang...