The second day, was on Friday. Has announced to everybody the nite before that everyone should be in the bus sharp at 8 am. So, the next morning, the ladies house has been so bright with lights as early as 5 am. Maklumla....ramai user and has to q for the bathroom. Some more, got to take time for make up la..packing la...clean up the house la.....
8 am sharp, bus arrived and everyone boarded. Tapi ada laa pulak satu mamat yang tidak berdisiplin, the nite before that, he went to a relative's house, spent the nite there, and tak reti2 lagi nak dtg punctual. So, we just left...and I asked his friends to inform him to straight go to Jetty Kuala Besut, coz we can't wait for him anymore. But, about 15 minutes after we depart, he called and asked us to wait up coz he could catch us up. Ok lah...we stopped...depan satu sempat laa amik gambar...hahahahha.

Then..straight away to Jetty Besut. Punyalaa hecticnyaa coz we are a big group. Agent pun dah kelam kabut arranged for our boats. Adoii...takutnya naik bot tu sebab masa tu angin ombak besar. And happenned to be, I sat at the front boat....rasa mcm naik roller coaster....macam melambung...mcm bot nak terhempas..semua ada. Tengoklaa gambar nie.....I hold on to the boat railing sekuat hati...sampaikan tgn jadi sangat kebas because hold the rail too strong. Tapi this pic was taken masa we all just move from the jetty. 5 minutes after that....everybody dah tak leh buat apa....not even success to pop in a hacks. Ada one girl tu...terpaksa duduk atas lantai coz boatman tu takut dia tercampak keluar because of the big wave.

Bila dah sampai ke Pulau Perhentian, Cocohut Chalet, baruuuuu lega rasanya. Each boat can transport max about 10 pax only because it was a speedboat. So, we have to wait for another 6 boats to arrive. So, menunggulah kat restaurant area Cocohut tu dibawah terik matahari tgh hari Jumaat...menunggu semua orang tiba untuk pembahagian bilik dan briefing tentang activity for the day. Sajer tunggu everybody sbb bilik, HR yang tetapkan roommates. We didn't allow them to choose their own roommates...coz we want every staff to know everybody. Kalau choose their own roommates..alamat berkelompok jer laa memasing dgn kroni masing2. At the end, it won't serve the purpose of the trip. Kalau ikutkan..memang menyusahkan..tapi we are organising it on behalf of the company to meet certain objectives. Dah namanya pun kerja.
Upon arrival of everybody, we give out the key for the chalet and a 10 minutes briefing. Right after that, proceed with lunch. For your information, Cocohut's trademark is food without buffet. There is no buffet meal at all....everything will be served right on our table, hot and fresh. Served like a king. And talking about food, I received no complaint at all from the participant. Means that it was truely satisfying. After lunch, some of them go and rest in the chalet and the Muslim male staffs go to Friday prayer at the mosque on the island by boats. Jangan main2....pergi semayang jumaat tau...naik bot tau.....
At 3 pm, every staff was ready to go to our very first snorkeling session. The snorkeling set + mask + lifejacket was provided, means you don't have to buy your own or bring your own set. Any one would like to wear the fin..can always rent it for RM5.00 per day, per pair. So cheap. 6 boats were ready to wait for us. And somehow, there was one cute guy kinda announce...siapa tak pandai berenang....ikut saya. I was happily angkat tangan...heheheh sajer suka-suka though my swimming skills has improved a little bit since last year. But I didn't go to him, saja suka2 angkat tangan jer. Coz I want to give chance to other staffs. But somehow, some of my friends ajak..jom la.....and the Cocohut owner pun pushed me to the guide...: " Ini orang, jaga betul-betul " she said to the guide....hahahahahah. So off we went. Our guide is happenned to be the famous Andy Lua. He's one of the famous and skillfull snorkeling guide in Perhentian Island. And happenned to be, he's also a scuba diver Master in one of the diving schools. So, we feels sooo much secured coz we have a hero by our side...hahahahha.

This is Andy Lua, the skillfull snorkeling guide and the scuba diving master.
Our first stop...was a small beach. Andy suruh naik beach...berdiri bawah pokok..teduh sikit dia kata sebab memang panas sangat masa tu. Dia ajar la...theory..mcm mana nak pakai mask, macam mana nak bernafas dgn snorkel, kalau termasuk air dalam mask, nak kuarkan mcm mana, kalau tertelan air through snorkel, nak keluarkan macam mana....Nak float mcm mana...semua dia ajar with smiles, patient and crystal clear explanation. After that, dia pimpin we all...slowly masuk air...have fun in the water and belajar pakai snorkeling set dalam air. Memang ada a few of our team yang langsungggg tak pernah snorkel and sangat takut dengan laut. So, take time a little bit la. Then, after about half an hour, naik boat semula ( nak naik bot pun ada cara..kalau tak kena teknik, confirm tak boleh nak pull ourselves up ) and straight away pergi kat satu area terumbu karang. No beach at all, and we go down into the deep sea straight from the boat. Siapa yang tak biasa memang sangat gerun la...sebab walaupun pakai lifejacket which makes us float, tapi bila tengok dalam air and nampak dasar laut tu was about 4 human being standing on top of each other dalamnya...kita boleh panic woooo. Bila panic, tu yang badan jadi tak seimbang and somehow akan tertelan air and tenggelam...lepas tu tambah meronta2. Kesian kat those yang first timer, tapi as I said, we have a master. Andy, though he's small, but he's damn strong. And he's very protective. Dia jaga all of us veryyy closely. Somehow...we all dimanjakan oleh Andy. Dia turunkan sebiji pelampung plastik yang keras yang definitely floats, yang mana disekeliling pelampung tu dah siap diikat dengan tali yang kukuh. All of us, berpaut pada tali-tali sekeliling pelampung tu and just relax...coz Andy tarik we all merata2 the best spots for the colorful fishes and beautiful corals. AllahuAkbar. Memang kejap2 ...Subhanallah...subhanallah...because the scenery was sooooo amazing. Orang lain daripada bot lain..semua pandai2 sendiri bawak diri masing2..hehehhehe.

Inilah rupa pelampung we all tu. And this was at the first stop.
Masa kat sini, all of us turun.....excited lagi...maklumlaa... Tapi tak lama lepas tu..sorang..sorang naik bot...sebab katanya dah rasa pening la..nak muntah la.....kira dah start mabuk laut laa tuh. Ok lah daripada 10 orang satu bot...end up 4 org dok atas bot jer.
Our next stop plak kat Turtle Bay. Quite famous...sebab memang ada penyu kat tempat nie. Memang sebelum gie perhentian, I've already study a lil bit about attractions and one of it is the turtle. So, memang excited nak tengok turtle. Malangnya...that area, during that time, arus laut agak kuat sikit. So, most of the guides ngan boatmen tak berapa suggest turun for those yang masih takut-takut. Kalau problem. But definitely I won't give up. Andy terjun jer...we all dah berlumba2 terjun dari bot. So, Andy pegi carik dulu turtle ada kat mana....puas juga laa dia dive kehulu kehilir. Laut kat situ tak cantik...air keruh and no fish and corals. So, datang situ memang semata2 nak cari turtle. At last...Andy jumpa....dia tak kasi bising2 sebab nanti turtle lari. So, we all cepat2 pegang transporter we all ( pelampung tu laa ) and Andy tarik all of us to the turtle. We saw the turtle swimming slowly kat dasar laut and we followed about 10 minutes. After that..entah mcm mana ada pulak tourist yang kelam kabut datang sebab nak amik gambar turtle nie pakai camera underwater tu. The moment he dives in...turtle tu pun kelam kabut berenang pas tuh terus ilang. Pergh.....what an experience. But I was satisfied, coz I accomplished my target. Sbb...not all of us were lucky and meet the turtle. Sangat ramai yang tak nampak turtle langsung....ada tu pulak..tak turun dari bot, tapi turtle tu sajer2 timbul kat sebelah bot dia...and ada sorang dua staff nie, dapat pegang cengkerang turtle tu. Oklah tu kan....
Then, after that, we all pergi ke Shark Point pulak. Ini pun one more destination that I aimed to go. Definitely I wish I could meet with the sharks....face to face. Some blogs yang aku visit kata diorang x dapat jumpa sharks langsung and some said diorang senang jer jumpa sharks...berlambak2. So I wish I could meet at least one of them. Again.....berpaut pada Andy. this time tak ramai yang turun bot sebab takut dengan sharks... And ada a few yang kaki ke..tangan ke terluka...dilarang sama sekali turun dari bot...sebab sharks tu kalau dia bau darah jer ( fresh blood ) definitely dia ngap! Masa start snorkel tu..Andy dah pesan...jangan bising.....jangan bergerak....kaki jangan mengayuh..tangan jangan tak tentu arah. Biar Andy sorang jer yang gerak. Masa tu...ayat Qursi sentiasa dalam hati. Manalah tauuu kannnn.... And....rezeki we all agaknya....memang suddenly ada sekor shark appear..right from behind us and swim under us..about 1.5 meter away. Best...dapat jumpa shark. tak besar sangat shark kot. About half meter long jer. Dah jumpa tu..Andy heret lagi we all....cari2 lagi..manalah tau kot2 ada lagi. Tetiba jer..our boatmen, Pok Leh dah ada kat seblah aku...dia bagi isyarat..ikut dia. Dia tarik tangan aku....I just followed him. Rupa2nya dia jumpa lagi satu shark. Lagi besarrrr dari tadi. Ini lagiii dekat.....right in front of us...tapi shark tu buat derq jer ngan we all. Kira ok la... Pok Leh...tima kasihhhh banyak2. Pok Leh pun banyak temankan we all snorkel selain daripada Andy. Lepas daripada Shark Point, diorang bawa we all pergi satu teluk yang kecik. Dalam 5-6 meter dari laut...betul2 kat pantai dia..ada satu mata air yang keluar dari tanah. Orang tempatan dah buatkan benteng dari guni pasir kat jadi laa mcm takungan air yang kecil. Ya Allah...nikmatnya mandi air tawar yang bersih, sejuk, freshh....selepas setengah hari berendam dalam air laut. Best sangat...and we all apa lagi...bermeriah sakan kat situ.


Lepas daripada mandi kat Cool Spring nie, baru laa berangkat balik ke chalet. Sampai Cocohut, dah siap minuman utk petang. Best...duduk2..minum2....lepas tu dah berebut2 balik bilik masing2. Mandi2...dan rileks. Mcm committee members, we all tak leh balik lagi. Kena buat preparation utk telematch malam tu. Dah plan, nak buat telematch kat tepi pantai malam tu. Tanyalaa manager Cocohut...ada lampu tak...ok ke tak...tak ganggu guest yang lain ke...sbb guest yang lain semua mat salleh semata2 kat situ selain dari group we all. Manager tu pun bersama2 berusaha....pasangkan lampu...buatkan wiring...soh staff dia susunkan kerusi.....we all plak..pasang tali..buat barisan..siapkan meja....siapkan PA system. Oh yes...there's one thing yg tak baper best Cocohut nie. Diorang takder PA system langsungggg. So kalau buat big group function...susah sket. Anyway..we all bawak sendiri PA system dari KL tau...angkut naik bot. Itupun atas kemurahan hati sorang committee... tengkiu Syed..tengkiu sooo much.

Ini lah Syed, tuan punya PA system dengan my best friend, Ita....tengah prepare utk telematch.
Bila keje siap...masuk plak waktu maghrib. Dah dinner plak. Dinner pun superb..dengan tom yam power nyer..dengan siakap masak sweet sour..dengan ayam masak merah.....semua serve in front of us. Sampai tak terhabis2 makan...punyalaa banyak makanan. Dah sudah makan..apa lagi...kita maiiinnnn..... Tergolek2 gelak ketawa...main mcm mainan telematch. Sampai guest yang mat salleh semua turun ...tgk we all main. Walaupun diorang tak paham Malays...tapi diorang pun terbahak2 gelak tgk we all..... Paling best....pertandingan makan maggi utk lelaki and makan twisties pedas utk pompuan. Huiiii gamat sungguhhhhhh.

This is me, presenting gift to the Twisties competition winner...hehehhehe
After all the telematch games, tibalah masa untuk saringan gusti lengan lelaki. This is a compulsory agenda for any of our event. Meriahhhhh...meriahhhh... Tak sempat habis gusti lengan, I went back to the chalet...Dah tak tahan dah. Sangat penat.
So, abislah experience hari ke-2. Huiiii...penatnyaaa mengaranggggg...... Next month plak laa yer...