Adam's 12th Lobster Birthday Dinner


My boy turned 12 last Monday of 9th June. He is a big boy now. The weekend before his birthday, we again had a long trip to Kelantan and Terengganu. Our target was to bring him to Kuala Dungun so that he could enjoy the delicious tomyam kelapa that I have bragged about before. Sadly, we arrived there at 11.00pm. And that was during school holidays. So, everything gone...finished. All types of seafood has been cleared from the counter. Whats left were the regular tomyam, the fried rice and all types of fried noodles.

However, there was a big lobster on the counter. That was the only seafood left. The owner came to us. Both the husband and wife. Took our order and proposed the lobster. But we were quite reluctant since it was a really big lobster. It weighed more than 3kg. And we were only a small family of 3. But after short discussions, then we decided to try it. Why not we try the Kuala Dungun's lobster this time. The taste might vary from other place's lobster.

We requested the cook to divide the lobster into 2 and cook 2 different dish. So we had a half lobster cooked with a new menu named Pat Pong Curry and the other half was left baked with spices or sambal. We ordered a regular tomyam to go with the white rice.

 Adam with the Pat Pong Curry lobster though he was quite sleepy and tired for we just had a very long day before that. I can see that he didn't really enjoy the dish. He was ok with the dinner, but not excited about it. His eyes told me that "What's so special of having this lobster?", but he kept it within himself. I know he did appreciate our effort to make it special for him.

 This is the regular grilled lobster with spices or sambal. We didn't touch this at all. We asked the shop to tapau (pack) this so that we can bring it home.

The empty shell after we finished the Pat Pong Curry Lobster. We managed to finished the whole half of it. 

Pat Pong Curry Lobster of Restoran Seri Warisan, Kuala Dungun.

It goes great with plain white rice. I can't really describe the taste. The Pat Pong is a combination of a mild curry taste with 3 rasa cooking style and with a blend of paprik taste. So, you may have a rough idea about the taste. Personally, we found the lobster was very meaty until you thought can't take another meat in your life. That you had enough of it.

Since it was cooked Thai's style, we thought we might prefer it to be grilled or baked western style. Penang will be the best place to hunt for Western style lobster. For the time being, Alhamdulillah, the birthday dinner went well.

Oh, the price... In JB, the price hikes up to RM160 per kg, but here in Dungun it costs us about RM100 per kg. I know...I know... It was wayyyy much more cheaper in Sabah and Sarawak. At times it only costs you less than RM10.00 per kg for lobsters. But bear in mind, this lobster was not in our plan. We targetted for tomyam kelapa, but end up we had the lobster... Still, it was a memorable birthday dinner for Adam.


9 thoughts..

Anum berkata...


sudipVSsenduk berkata...

Happy Birthday Adam :) Sekali-sekala belanja birthday boy lobster apa salahnya...

Ish, tetiba teringin la pulak..

IndaMarya berkata...

happy bthday Adam..msti best mama dia blanja special.lobster lagi.bkan senang tu .mahal.
moga Adam jadi anak baik yg sygkan his parents just like they love him..

Kakzakie Purvit berkata...

Happy belated birthday Adam. See the plate it seems kakak went the same location on the day we were there Ziela:)

ANIM berkata...

happy birthday ada, sebaya anak saya tu..
kalau kat SP tak pernah jumpa. kat langkawi rm150 sekilo.
restoran warisan, sg dungun..
next time boleh terjah sana kan..

kausar berkata...

pergh sedapnya lobsterrrrr. happy bday adam!!

:: CIKVIVA :: berkata...

uishh..tu dia lobsterr..

Sukma berkata...

wow...delicious lobster....

aizamia3 berkata...

Selamat Hari Lahir Adam.. (lewat wish sebab tak singgah kat sini..)
Moga rutin harian berjalan dengan baik hendakNYA..

psstt: Geram tengok lobster tu.. serius geram..