Another One More, Adam.


Science resit paper for UPSR this year, done yesterday morning.

English Paper 1, done yesterday.

English Paper 2, done yesterday.

Maths will be coming next Thursday.

I waited for him at the school's canteen yesterday. Alone. No other parents there. But I don't mind it. I know Adam appreciate my presence. He kissed me every time he needs to walk in the hall for the papers. Never mind his friends, never mind his juniors and never mind the teachers. He was proud to have his mother stay by his side yesterday. And I felt extremely happy that I was there for him.

The questions were tougher than last time, as expected. Some English questions were quite tricky too.

And the teachers checked the students' score through their answers ticked in the question paper for objective session of Science. Adam did not do that well. I felt bad at first, but it is okay. I told him, he has done his best. Let it go because he still needs to sit for English papers and Maths next week.

The score was not supposed to be exposed to the children. The teacher calculated it secretly in a room, but these students, full with curiosity explored their marks behind the teacher.

Mak cried when I told her Adam's score. Mak felt guilty. Mak said mak had been busy and didn't manage to concentrate on Adam. I told mak, it was definitely not her fault, nor me nor Adam. All of us have done our best. Just cherish the moments. There's always hikmah from Allah behind everything. We prayed, we recited our du'a and now we have to be grateful. Alhamdulillah. Adam was in good health and good spirit.

So, another one more paper to go next week.

And I am not brave enough to plan any holidays within the next 2 months' time. I don't know whether I can face it anymore if there is another round of paper resits. So, Chinese says 'man-man' aaa....


10 thoughts..

Kakzakie Purvit berkata...

Don't worry Ziela. Kakak still remember during kakak's daughter UPSR the teacher also told that kakak's daughter might be didn't get A for Math (borderline - might get B). But when the result come-out she scored all the subject. Don't make Adam sad...

Anum berkata...

all the best utk adik2 upsr

kehidupan sihat berkata...

salam,semoga adam lulus cemerlang untuk UPSR ni..insyallah :)

lieyalatif berkata...

in sha Allah kak....jgn sedih or gusar....kite doa yg terbaik utk adam.....doa dan doa tanpa jemu...moga ade keajaiban berlaku.....

takut plak adam stress n risau nanti...ganggu plak paper lagi satu nak reseat.....

all the best adam...

SalbiahM berkata...

good luck Adam :)

Aziela berkata...

@Kakzakie Kakak, Adam will be devastated if he is confident about scoring but at the end he didn't achieve it. I might as well prepare him for the worst if it happens. He has done his best and it is ok if he can't achieve his targets. Kakak, your girls are all brilliant. And I know where they get it from.. ;)

Aziela berkata...

@Nurzakiah Hanum tq Anum

Aziela berkata...

@kehidupan sihat Amiin.

Aziela berkata...

@lieyalatif Dia dah berusaha. Tapi kalau kemampuannya setakat itu, kami tetap bersyukur. Tq yer Lieya.

Aziela berkata...

@Sal Bee Yah Tq...