Hubby's Good Friend's Wedding Reception


We were invited by hubby's friend, the groom to his wedding reception last Saturday night. He is oTheyb ne of the hubby's good friend. They were work colleagues before this.

The poster...

Father and son...

The occasion was held at the Grand Seasons Hotel, K.L at night. So we departed from Malacca quite late that evening. Adam was happy since he finally is free from UPSR. Well, at least until the result day.

The party was for relatives and close friends only. Thus, we had a great night and it was very relaxing. Everybody can have a leisure conversation and we sort of knows everybody.

It was a Malaysian wedding. Hubby's friend, Aloy fell in love with a Chinese lady, Margaret. So, we have Indians as from the groom's party and Chinese from the bride and Malays as the friends of them both... What a beautiful occasion.

Hubby with the handsome groom...

The menu was Chinese cuisine in which all of us enjoyed it so much. I always love the entree, Either it is 4 season, of 5 season or even the 7 seasons.... Yummmm. The rest were the normal menu...the shark fin soup, the roasted chicken, the fish, the vegies, the prawns and of course the desert.

They provided a booth for photo. The funky props for everyone. You can take as many pictures as you want for free (well, paid by the couple of course) and in a very enjoyable environment. Just look at hubby with his previous co-workers from Kuantan. Sort of a small reunion, I guess.... They were so happy and I can see that they really enjoyed the moment.

Hubby's engineer was just given birth to her baby when hubby left them in Kuantan. And now the baby is already 7 month's old. How time flies...sigh...

All in all, hubby had a great night. I enjoyed the food and the ambience so much though I was in pain due to my knee which had been swelling up back. But not much walking needed that night, so I was ok....

Bangsar is killing me softly...hahahahhaa... This is a war, Bangsar. I am going to fight you...hehehehehe. The heavy traffic has put a lot of pressure to my torn ligament and also to my slip disc pain. I need to find new tricks to cheat these....yeaaarggghhh...!! Peace yo..!


12 thoughts..

Lynda Che Lah berkata...

ms scroll bloglist bc sekali imbas..
tgk gambar..ingat gambar akak..hehe..
btw..Sy tak pernah suka pergi Bangsar :P

Dr K berkata...

Ini baru betul2 1Malaysia :)

akak ada slipped disc ke? baru tau..

Unknown berkata...

Tumpang kagum dgn "mereka" yg sanggup bergambar di photo-booth with all the props.. kut K.Sham.. segan la..

Kakzakie Purvit berkata...

Indian+Chinese so future when they have children become Indchi or Dianese hihi...

ellynadyra berkata...

i hate bangsar so much

wedding ni betul2 1Malaysia tau

Aziela berkata...

@Lynda Che Lah Bangsar is soo alien kan...

Aziela berkata...

@Nurzakiah Hanum Small party, tapi yeap..meriah :)

Aziela berkata...

@Daddy Ziyyad One Malaysia all around...hehehehe. Detected 2 years ago PID akak ni. Tak severe sangat mcm hubby. L4 Level jer..

Aziela berkata...

@Shamsiah Abdul Rahman sSaya bergambar hanya dengan hubby dan Adam saja. Itulah sekali sebab saya memang rasa segan...

Aziela berkata...

@Shamsiah Abdul Rahman sSaya bergambar hanya dengan hubby dan Adam saja. Itulah sekali sebab saya memang rasa segan...

Aziela berkata...

@Kakzakie Chindian, kak...hahahaha

Aziela berkata...

@elly nadyra Meriah dan terasa relax...