Casa Lagenda, Halal Chinese Cuisine in Malacca...


Ok, remember my entry yesterday? This time, we tried out their sister restaurant in Malacca. Newly opened, about 4-5 months ago. The location is right behind RHB Bank, opposite from AEON Bandaraya Melaka. I read from a blog about this restaurant. You can view this blogger's entry HERE.

New outlet. Still fresh and clean... A lot of parking space. parking is not a problem at all...

Since it was our first attempt, we ordered minimum dinner spread.

The butter milky prawn...super yummm! All of you should try this... Definitely delicious...

The vegies. Kailan and hubby requested pucuk keledek strir fried with a lot of garlic. And yes it was delicious. 

The scizhuan chicken if I'm not mistaken. It was nice, but not good enough for my taste bud. 

They have a few versions of shark fin soup. So we ordered three different flavours for each bowls. I like the chilly version better. You know, you really can found a lot of crab flesh in it. So fresh and so flavourful....

Ok...This is another option for another fine dining location in Malacca. Definitely satisfying. 


22 thoughts..

adianiez AIDA berkata...

wow! kena cuba ni.
tq ye sebab share...
aida memang suka sgt Chinese food.

Unknown berkata...

Sedap jer layan mata..
Nak merasa sendri.. entah bila la pulak..

Kak Kep berkata...

nampak memang sangat sedap.. balik raya taun depan pasti jln jln melaka.. hehehe

salam kenal from Kak Kep di Doha ;-)

lieyalatif berkata...

pergh kak...cuci mate sambil kecap2 air liur ni semua nampak menggiurkan... telan ailio berkali2 lieya ni kak heheheeheh....

:: CIKVIVA :: berkata...


Yana Yani berkata...

nampak sedap dan mewah
shark fin tu, sedap ke?

Lee berkata...

Hello Aziela, wow! You guys sure live to eat, ha ha. I love the dishes, semua pun bagus to me. I can see you and family suka try out new makan places.
And from my old days experiences, Malacca and Penang has real good food Malay or Chinese.
I love that puchuk keledek. Long ago loved to eat that puchuk in lemak.

Next time you makan tu ikan chincharu sumbat sambal send me telegram. I miss that.
Have a great weekend.
Oh ya, had a date with my beautiful SIL...tengok autumn leaves. Senang drop by, can roll eyes, ha ha.

Al-Manar berkata...

Cerita makan selalu. Saya jaga badan kalau boleh tidak mahu baca lah.

Fyda Noh berkata...

Seafood memang selalu nampak berselera. Dulu selalu lepak kat Pulau Duyung ngan kawan2

Bunda_nora berkata...

Hujan2 ni lapar jer...tengok pulak macam2 makanan kat sin i sedap2....lagilah lapar...

Fazleyatul Aini berkata...

hari tu masa p makan kat celup2 ada terperasan kedai ni. dah akak review ok sedap je tengok ni, nak jugak la ke sana. InsyaAllah

Aziela berkata...

@adianiez AIDA Welcome...welcome

Aziela berkata...

@Shamsiah Abdul Rahman Bila balik sini, selera lebih kepada kg halaman la pula yer kak...

Aziela berkata...

@Kak Kep Waa...taun depan balik raya yer kak...Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih sudi singgah...

Aziela berkata...

@lieyalatif Tapi kan...bento Lieya juga yang lebih mengancam....

Aziela berkata...

@:: Cik Viva :: Meh dtg Melaka meh...

Aziela berkata...

@Yana Yani Sedap dikkkk

Aziela berkata...

@Shane I find out that our adventures are more towards the food...hahahahaha. So yeah..share it here

Dear...lovely winter dah sampai ke?

Aziela berkata...

@Al-Manar Entah kenapa kalau cerita pasal makan, rating pembaca blog saya mencanak pula naiknya pakcik....hahaha... Kadang2 saya buat entry yang bukan pasal makanan, tapi sayang pakcik tiada pula...

Aziela berkata...

@siti nurafida noh Ikan bakar di Duyung?

Aziela berkata...

@Bunda a.k.a KN Dapat air kopi cicah biskut kering pun dah sedap kalau hujan kan Bunda...

Aziela berkata...

@Fazleyatul Aini Celup2 tu best tak? Akak nengok, boleh tahan juga customer kan...