Saturday's Dinner


Oh is Monday. My Monday blues has been worst lately. Plus, weather is quite gloomy today and that makes me yawn every minute.

Anyway, let's try to cheer up the day. My dinner menu last Saturday. Hubby requested a simple vegetables soup. I add u opp the sandwich.

 A simple salmon spread with mayo n pepper. Layered with fresh tomatoes, butterhead salad and a piece of cheddar cheese.

It was a filling sandwich. Hubby was happy.

 The rewuested vegetable soup. I put in bok choy, napa cabbage, carrots, potatoes and soft egg tofu.'s yummy!

Since I cooked it in a quite large portion, we sent over some to Mommy. Yeah... I was playing the good daughter in law role.

Hey...don't judge, ok...


9 thoughts.. berkata...

Dinner yg sihat tu Aziela :)

Sha Mohamed berkata...

Walaupun simple.. tapi nampak sedap..

Farah Waheda Wahid berkata...

ehhh it looks yummy lah kakak...

Seri Kandi Tanah Jauhar berkata...

sejuk perut mak mertua Ziela :)))))

Dr K berkata...

salmon spread tu akak buat sendiri ke, or beli yg dah ready made? kalau ready made, cari kat mana ya?

aizamia3 berkata...

Makan panas2.. dapnya kak.. dak Nuha pasti suka. ;)

makchaq berkata...

Nampak sedap ni.. tp klu makchaq makan ni utk dinner tengah malam kena cari supper.. makchaq tak kenyang kalau makan roti...

Ujie Othman berkata...

wah sihat semuanya. bagus sungguh!

che mid berkata...

Simple dan kenyang..cukup le kan..