German couple's holiday marred by robber : NST, 2/2/12


Baca satu berita yang menarik hari ini. Kita nak sharekan di sini.

Langkawi : An elderly German couple were attacked by machete-wielding robbers in Saturday night, all for a handbag containing RM280.00.

Hubert Heiler, 70 and his wife, Mariah Hease, 66, were slashed on their arms and all five Hease's fingers on her left hand were amost severed while Heiler also sufferred similar injuries on three of his fingers.

Relating their experience, Heiler said he and his wife were taking a stroll along the main road to their hotel in Pantai Tengah after dinner about 11pm when they saw a car parked at a dark stretch.

"They did not say anything, but just started attacking us."

Heiler said he and his wife would have given all their possessions had their assailants asked for them. Instead, the robbers kept assaulting them.

"They took my wife's handbag, but did not even bother taking my wallet."

The couple were helped by a passer-by who saw the couple bleeding profusely on the ground. The passer-by rushed them to the hospital.

Heiler said for the past 18 years, he and his wife had been spending two months every year in Langkawi.

Langkawi police said the suspect, a local youth who is a drug addict, was picked up early on Tuesday morning.

by : Sharanjit Singh

Sangat mengecewakan bila rakyat kita sendiri yang 'menyambut' kehadiran pelancong dengan pengalaman pahit. Ke2-2 orang pelancong nie dah setia melancong ke Langkawi SETIAP TAHUN sejak 18 TAHUN LEPAS. Bukan itu saja, mereka menginap di situ selama 2 bulan setiap tahun.

Sangat mengecewakan dan memalukan.

Kita pasti pasangan pelancong nie tak akan kembali menjejakkan kaki ke bumi Malaysia. Ianya pasti diiringi dengan sebaran maklumat bahawa Malaysia adalah destinasi pelancongan yang berbahaya.

Kita rasa, kerajaan Malaysia harus mengejarkan Public Relations Team mereka dengan segera dan memulihkan keadaan sebelum ianya tersebar buruk di mata dunia....

Jangan bila dah beras dah hancur di mamah bubuk, baru teringat nak masak nasi..

(Ok, perumpamaan ini baru saja direka secara spontan.)

2 thoughts..

Unknown berkata...

memalukan.....penagih dadah ni sampah masyarakat

dya nasir berkata...

Sebab nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga