Simple Lunch Set


I was at home on this Saturday which means more quality time with hubby and Adam. Since we didn't have a chance to shop for groceries lately, I made do with whatever that I could rake from the fridge. It ended with a very simple lunch set.

 Vegies, sambal nenek, and fried chicken with spice (ayam goreng berempah). Please excuse the colours.

 The simple vegies saute with garlic. The sweet peas and carrot produces natural sweet sensation and a good balance for the hot of sambal nenek that I served. Nice colour, right?

This fried chicken is not really fabolous. I tried new spice mixture which didn't go well enough. But its still ok. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for giving us the marvelous rezeki.

So, what did you guys had?

4 thoughts..

Tie HT berkata...

wow just nice.. :)

Cik Bambam berkata...

sambal nenek tuh apa kak? :P

Unknown berkata...

bahasa inggeris akak bertambah mantap!!...bagilah tips!


Aziela berkata...

Tihara : It's surely a simple one

CB : haa...boleh baca kat entry akak kat sini...

Tak pun, CB taip jer sambal nenek kat search box akak dalam blog nie...

Suhami : Bertambah mantap? Ko perli akak ekk tok.. Rotan kang...hahahahha. Tips? Hui...mantap boto ko ni? Ha..tanyo kek cucu ko si Azham Vosovic tu. Dia dah jadik cikgu bosar bahaso inggeris dah skang....hehehehehhe