Lunch or Dinner in Kuantan : New Horizon Garden Restaurant


We spent weekend in Kuantan a few weeks ago. Hubby has to work during weekend, so I drove there with Adam. Furthermore, we have been spending lesser time in Kuantan nowadays. First, because hubby needs to visit his mom because he miss his mommy every week..(Er..Papa, jangan marah yer..hihihi), and second, because there is no Astro in Kuantan's house which makes it less favourable to Adam. Owh, it will be a waste to install Astro there according to hubby since he doesn't has much time watching tv. Basically because he stays in the office until late nite, or even early morning and the home is basically to serve as the sleeping and shower facility space.

Oh my... I am drifting out of topic again. That's y I love bloggings. I can freely drift... Ok..ok..back on track!

So, hubby decided to share his lunch experience with me and Adam. He said, his company had a few luncheons at the restaurant and it all were so satisfying.


This New Horizon Garden Restaurant  located around East Coast Mall and Berjaya Mall area. The address will be like this :

New Horizon Garden Restaurant,
Lorong Tun Ismail 12,
Sri Dagangan 2, Kuantan, Pahang
03-5163 555

Let's see what we had....

Butter Prawn. Super yummy!

White rice.. definetly!

Sizzling Beancurd. Soothing!

Chicken ...... ( I can't remember)

Mixed vegies.

Garoupa, Hong Kong style.

The food selection actually was based on the lunch set provided in the menu. 2-3 pax's set consists of white rice, 1 choice of fish, 1 choice of chicken/beef, 1 choice of vegies, 1 choice of seafood or chicken/beef, fruits as the desert and Chinese Tea.

The fruit as desert. Half has already swallowed!

The sizzling beancurd is actually the additional item that we add apart from the set. All three of us were also so mengada-ngada ordered fruit juice one glass each despite the Chinese tea provided.

The fruit quality? All are yummy. No complaints at all. Good enuff for us to treat any other family members for another lunch and dinner or any other occasions and celebrations. Our parents would love this place and the food so much.

The ambience? It's a fine dining restaurant and you will be treated professionally. That is why the tables are normally fully booked. We didn't make any reservations, so, we were waited at the restaurant's entrance until they flipped the CLOSED signage to OPEN that day. Hehehhehe....

We were lucky there was an empty table. Just look at other groups..!

Owh, the price?

Lunch set that I've mentioned above is at RM55.00 only!!

So, we ended up paying RM79.50 for the additional beancurd and juices. And it is at a formal restaurant! I assured you, it is worth the value.. So much!!

Owh...owhh...last but not least.... my choice of fruit juice.. hehehehhe

My kiwi juice standing tall beside the Chinese Tea.

Anyone plans to go to Kuantan? Maybe could consider this restaurant. 

7 thoughts..

Muhammad Aakif berkata...

Nape tak ajak? Azri ada kat Kuantanlaaaaaaaaaaaa

Ce'gu JAERA berkata...

pergghhh, nampak memang memukau rasa... mesti sedap kan.. harga pun berbaloi2...

Aziela berkata...

Azri : Alahaii.... mcm mana nak call awak, akak x der no. fon awak. Sebenarnya selalu bila lalu Muadzam tu, teringinnn sangat nak singgah lepak minum2 dgn Azri, tp x tau nak contact mcm mana.

Gen2Merah : Sedap cikgu. Kalau x sedap, confirm akak tulis tak sedap..hihihi.

Unknown berkata...

Kak Aziela...Azri ngah cari pasal New Horizon..sekali keluar artikel ni..bila macam kenal..pastu baca ada nama Aakif..ada nama Azri..

Ingatkan sape..rupanya Azri..hahahaha

Bak sini no tepon akak..leh ajak g umah baru..bak sini..sekarang juga azri kol..

Unknown berkata...

Kak Aziela...Azri ngah cari pasal New Horizon..sekali keluar artikel ni..bila macam kenal..pastu baca ada nama Aakif..ada nama Azri..

Ingatkan sape..rupanya Azri..hahahaha

Bak sini no tepon akak..leh ajak g umah baru..bak sini..sekarang juga azri kol..

Aziela berkata...

Azri... nnt email akak fon no. awak yer.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Phone number Restoran ni kena edit balik..