Another Breakdown....


Not emotional, but material. Hubby's car broke down about 15km before Muadzam Shah, Pahang on our way back to Malacca from Kuantan. And that incident happenned at 10.30 pm. And the destruction?


6 thoughts..

azieazah berkata...

Tak mengapalah. Sabar banyak-banyak ya. Harta dunia memang begitu. Bersifat sementara.

Unknown berkata...


ummiross berkata...

Salam Aziela..

Total destruction?,apahal ek?
Ummi doakan yang terbaik..

Aziela berkata...

azieazah : Yer lah Kak Azie. Harta dunia kan...

Aziela berkata...

Fendy : Amat perlu simpati itu. T. kasih.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Salam..should be the damage ...
The engine damage were extensive.
Why extensive? It involves the manifold and the gasket that has been melted due to overheating. The overheating were caused by the leaks at the coolant hose.