Equatorial Cameron Highlands : A Night To Be Remembered


Since Adam was really not happy to start the 2013 because this and that, me and hubby made a fast decision to go for a short vacation in Cameron Highlands. The destination really fascinates Adam. When I say it was a short vacation, I really mean it.

Saturday was filled with cars matters. Workshops, service centers, etc..etc. Finally we settled down by 4.00pm. From Malacca, we stopped by at Sg Buloh to fetch my sister in-law at her hostel. She was free that weekend, no activities, classes or hospital jobs. So we think it might be merrier to have her in the trip.
By the time we reach Cameron Highlands it was already 9.30pm. I managed to call Equatorial to ask about the availability just 10 minutes before we actually arrived at their lobby.

Not many rooms were left available due to high volume of tourists. According to the reception staffs, that weekend was considered as peak season. Anyhow, we settled down with whatever that they have. Hubby has been too tired to drive around and search other hotels. Furthermore, we have never experience Equatorial here before. This could be a good chance for us to explore.

By the way, Cameron Highlands is a must destination for me and hubby. Since we got married 12 years ago, we have been to this place each year. Sometimes with big group, sometimes just 2 of us, sometimes a long stay here and sometimes just passing through.

I have loved Cameron Highlands so much since I know this place. I like the low temperature, I like the kampung style town here, and I like the greens here. The combination of all those elements brought Cameron Highlands close to me.

Back to Equatorial.

We chose a 2 rooms apartment. The price for one night does not includes the breakfast. So, we have to top-up certain amount for the breakfast since we have no time to leisure around. Adam has to be in PD at 3.00 pm for tuition class on the next day.

Once we stepped into the apartment, all of us were really lighted up. The unit is soooo big and it is more than we expected.

This is the hall. A decent TV set but it is more than enough. The sliding door on the left is the access to the balcony in which I will show in the next entry.

On the right is the dining table and door to the kitchen, complete with stove, kettle and refrigerator.

This is the master bedroom. A king size bed with tv in the room and bathroom with bath tub. Surely it is more than comfortable.

The second room has 2 single beds with their own bathroom as well. Just nice for Adam and my sister in-law.

We went out after that for supper. Having hot coffee with 18 degrees temperature at Tanah Rata. That night ended well with beautiful memory.

The next day at Cameron Highlands' Equatorial... I will share with you guys at the next entry.


21 thoughts..

Izwa Kamaruddin berkata...

lame tak ke cameron..

Intan Akma berkata...

amboi..berjalan saje

Kakcik Seroja berkata...

Kakcik pernah menginap di sana sekali. Lama dulu, masa ibubapa kakcik masih ada... Lebih sepuluh tahun yang lalu.

Lamanya kakcik tak naik ke CH...

Sha Mohamed berkata...

wow.. bestnye.. Berape harganya satu malam?? Menariklah conditionnye.. selalu gak gi Cameron Hihglands tapi selalu naik tapah turun kat ipoh.. hehehe... sajer amik udara sejuk...

wakgelas berkata...

wak pon dh lama X gi cameroon jugakkk.. uuhUuu

Dr K berkata...

Selalu ke CH juga, almost 2-3 times/year...But never have an experience staying in the E. Well, maybe kena try this hotel...:)

Unknown berkata...

Nampak selesa.. Okla kan.. Saya tak pernah gi cameron lagi..hehe

Seri Kandi Tanah Jauhar berkata...

seronoknya nampak Adam tu..

Kakzakie Purvit berkata...

Ziela... lucky there is room available. Kakak had an experience without booking any room to Malacca 2 years back. You know till Negeri Sembilan we try to find with but no a avail. At the end we stay over night in the mosque. Since that kakak dare not to go if no rooms booked.

Aziela berkata...

Mrs. Eady : Akak tak pergi setahun pun rasa lama...

Aziela berkata...

Intan Akma : Short trip jer...huuhuhu

Aziela berkata...

Kakcik Nur : Sekarang dah banyakkk perubahan berbanding 10 tahun lepas, Kakcik.

Aziela berkata...

+kasih+ : Errm...harganya mungkin ikut hari dan musim kot... Nanti bila nak book situ, call diorang awal2 yer.

Aziela berkata...

Wak Gelas : Kalau wak pergi, mestiii banyak tangkapan Wak.

Aziela berkata...

Daddy Ziyad : Weird kan.. we all pun first time, walhal selalu naik sini.

Aziela berkata...

Rai : Ha, habis pantang nanti ajak shujin yer.

Aziela berkata...

Seri kandi : Dia memang rasa seronok. Alhamdulillah.

NzA berkata...

tmpt penginapan feveret kami skluarga ......

Aziela berkata...

Kak Zakie : Alamak, overnite in mosque for a family trip? Huhuhuhuhu..must be tough, ek mbakyu.

ummiross berkata...

Wow!!, bestnya..dah lama ummi tak pergi.
looking forward for your review on CH Equatorial.

Unknown berkata...

hehehe.....bestnya nampaknya saya kena ajak kawan2 saya buat trip pergi Cameron Highland ni hehehe!