28th April....


Alhamdulillah, here I am still
With life and love filled
Looking forward to endless journey
May I carry the responsibility

Happiness and health are subjective
I will never know what I deserve
I am praying that family and friends
Will always grab their dreams

Another year of my life
Another rainbow in search
Have I prepared to be judged?

Yeap, I'm not getting younger today
Infact I earn another year by day...


10 thoughts..

Anum berkata...

hai singgah pagi

msredcheesecake berkata...

we will never ready to be judged... May Allah blessed us...

Sukma berkata...

good morning.....

t.a.t.a berkata...

If I guess correctly, then Happy Birthday to you kak.

☆♥L@dy @yU♥☆ berkata...

So true👍
Is ur bufday today❓
Otanjoubi omedetou

Unknown berkata...

Salam. Happy birthday. Feel free to visit my new blog http://alamwellness.blogspot.com. tq

che mid berkata...

Sanah helwa sis..akak ada masalah ni..nak tau apa dia..entahlah, dari hari ke hari perasaan nak jumpa awak, semakin kuat..camne?

Unknown berkata...

happy birthday kak... :D

saya pun teka teka macam tata.. hihi

Rozita Ceritaita berkata...

hepi birthday kak.. semoga semua kebahagiaan milik akak..amin...

Nora Karim berkata...

barakallahufiq.... moga sentiasa sihat walafiat, panjang umur dan sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki... amin...